
Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Good Evening!
Today, well more yesterday, I was thinking about a song:

It completely surprises me (in a good way) that He is jealous for me (and you). That is huge. He loves us that much. He want first place in our lives. He is interested in every aspect of our lives. It's ok to like things and do things as long as God is first.
"He is jealous for me, loves like a hurricane..."
It's sometimes hard to believe how much He does love. I think a Hurricane sums it up pretty well. His love will never leave us the same. It sometimes shakes us up, messes things up, brings us back together, surrounds us, covers us, pursues us. I just stand in awe of this.

He loves you so!
{night} -Jen

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Hello All!
How was your tuesday? Here in Michigan is was alittle chilly, but beautiful outside, nice and sunny. I spent most of it inside at work, but it looked nice, haha.

Well continuing with the previous post, i'm completely obsessed with the 1950's lately. Especially 'I Love Lucy', but i've been checking into the fashion of the 1950's and here are my picks for the best dresses:


Ok so far I only found 2, but I will continue to look around. I def. love the first. So pretty!
Well, Have a lovely night!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Beautiful and Brilliant

Hey! Sorry I haven't been keeping up with this blog. its been a busy few months. But I promise I will update lots more. For this post I want to share something im completely fasinated with currently: Old Hollywood. Especially actresses of the 1940's and 1950's. I'll share more on this later, but I just want to share some picture of actresses i'm currently loving at the moment:

Lucille Ball

and Vivian Vance.

I'm slighly obsessed with 'I Love Lucy' right now. Both Lucille and Vivian are completely beautiful and brilliant actresses. Very classic. Well i have to go to bed now, but i'll post more tommorow.
Night- Jen