
Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Long Time

Well, Hello there! Its been been awhile since I last posted (since April... yikes!). Well I'm back and ready to get back into this blog! So what have I been up to since, you ask? A lot and not a lot.

I may share more a little later, I'm not quite ready yet, but my dad's been pretty sick these past three 3 and in August of this year he has passed. It's been terribly hard since, but I've been making it through with God as my help. I do want to share that story later, but for today- that's all. Things are getting better. It just takes time.

Speaking of taking time- I'm officially (like really, definitely,  gonna do it, for real) going to start my dream of owning an etsy shop. Ill post all shop updates, the launch/ grand openning, sales, and everything business on here!

And lastly, my home blog is up and running!  You can find all my home ideas, inspiration, and projects in my home. My home blog is The Creative Home Project. You should definitely check it out!

Well I guess that was my summer. I'm very much looking foward to the fall season and all the stuff that's going to happen in my life, my business, and this blog!
It's good to be back!