
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Different Route

This blog started as my journey of waiting, but I think I would like to take a different route, it will be about my life in general, just my personal blog. It will involve the wait, single life, apartment life, fashion, art, crafts, just about anything i'm interested in. I hope to make this is atleast twice a week blog, but daily would be awesome. Soon i'll go into more detail of who I am, but for my a brief introduction. My name is Jennifer. I'm soon to be 26. I live in an apartment with 3 other girls. I dream of becoming a self-employeed business owner, and a ford fusion owner, and a house on Lake Michigan owner, and a.... well there's a lot im dreaming of. I am single and waiting and will wait till the right guy comes into my life, in God's perfect timing. I also love the smell of lilacs. I guess that was somewhat brief. I do promise lots of pictures, lots of fun stuff, and some usefull stuff as well in the post to come. I'm pretty excited about this new blog and I can't wait to develope it into something way rad. But for now I must go to the bed, because I'm not self employee yet and have to be at my job early tommorow morning.
Good night

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