
Monday, April 25, 2011

My Story - A New Feature

Hello! Hope everyone had a happy Easter! Mine was very good. I went to both my parents church and my church then hung out with family most the day, then went to my church's easter production called 'Your Story'. It was really cool this year. It involved people's stories now and people's stories then in Bible times. As I watched and heard the stories of others, I realized I do have a story to tell, God wants to use my story. So I want to introduce a new feature on here called My Story. It will involve different stories of my life, to give you a more personal glimpse into my life!
I'll share my first story soon!
Have a great day!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Blog Vacation.

Hey guys and gals. Probably mostly gals, but I have noo idea. Well, anywhoo. So it's officially, the laptop (lappy) is dead and not fixable. The hard drive can be transfered, which is excellent news! So i went to look at laptops today at Best Buy. My lappy was a dell, but I know this time I either wanted an hp or a mac. Well I decided in 20 short mins that i'm totally going to get a macbook pro! I'm so stoked and want one sooo bad now.  Which I could: a.) tax money, b.) save lots, or c.) get financing. I'm leaning towards c.). I'm against having debt, but i'm currently looking into buying a house, and I have really good credit, but not enough, so the financing might help it. I'm still thinking about it, but I would like to get one soon.
So with no laptop, that means: Very very little blog postings. I do have the internet via the cell phone, but I can't get blogger on there (it's not a smart phone, a decent phone, but not "smart"). So, for now, i'm on a blog vacation. But in the meantime i'll plan some stuff for the blog, so that when I do get my amazing macbook pro i'll be back into blogging lots!
Talk to you again later!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Poor Laptop... :(

Hey! So bad news, my laptop is down for awhile. It's a little old, and doesn't charge as well. Well, the battery is dead and won't charge, so i'm not able to post as much. I ordered a new ac adapter, which I think it causing the problem, so i should be up and running in 3 to 5 business days hopefully! I do have the internet on my phone so i can try to update using my phone, but maybe i'll just take a break for a bit.
just thought I would fill you in. maybe i'll take this time to plan out the blog a bit.
Well, have a lovely saturday night and sunday!