
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Blog Vacation.

Hey guys and gals. Probably mostly gals, but I have noo idea. Well, anywhoo. So it's officially, the laptop (lappy) is dead and not fixable. The hard drive can be transfered, which is excellent news! So i went to look at laptops today at Best Buy. My lappy was a dell, but I know this time I either wanted an hp or a mac. Well I decided in 20 short mins that i'm totally going to get a macbook pro! I'm so stoked and want one sooo bad now.  Which I could: a.) tax money, b.) save lots, or c.) get financing. I'm leaning towards c.). I'm against having debt, but i'm currently looking into buying a house, and I have really good credit, but not enough, so the financing might help it. I'm still thinking about it, but I would like to get one soon.
So with no laptop, that means: Very very little blog postings. I do have the internet via the cell phone, but I can't get blogger on there (it's not a smart phone, a decent phone, but not "smart"). So, for now, i'm on a blog vacation. But in the meantime i'll plan some stuff for the blog, so that when I do get my amazing macbook pro i'll be back into blogging lots!
Talk to you again later!

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