
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Since I've Been Gone

Hey, sorry i've been gone for so long. I still have yet to make that diy baggie ice cream from the last post. Well to explain my absence: I went camping! But only for a week, think I'll consider the entirety of August and blog vacation. Not that I needed it, I just didn't have time and couldnt really think of anything to post. It is nice to take a break some times too, even from things you love. I may be doing a craft show in Oct. It would be my first one. It's free which is amazing (donations are taken for the towns food bank, so its a good cause too). I'm still working on making stuff. So far all I have a table. So if I don't get enough of an inventory, i'll just post what I made on etsy, which will give me an excuse to finally have an etsy shop! If you have any advice for a first time craftshow vendor, I would gladly recieve it! I'm so excited and nervous at the same time, and quite stressed I won't get everything done. I'm focusing on scrapbooking. It's easy for me and I have all the supplies (i'm a collector more than a doer :/ ). I'm just kinda stuck in a creative and productive rut. It's not fun. Hopefully i'll snap out of it by tommorow.
So I guess thats all for now. Just wanted to stop in. I will start to update this blog a little add some pages and other fun stuff. Have a happy Sept. 1st!

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