
Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Hi! Is it bad i'm thinking about doing a blog redesign again? I I've been reading the book: The Handmade Marketplace by Kari Chapin and the chapter I just finished talks about Branding. So i've thinking about my brand and I want my blog to represent my brand, along with my future etsy shop. That's why I may be redesigning and redefining my blog more in the next few days. Also in a few days is my birthday! I was pretty excited, but i've been going through a lot and sometimes I don't feel like celebrating, but the closer it gets the more I want to do something special. Due to work though, I can't do anything too extravagant, yet. I just want to have some fun and be happy again. I will have my usual birthday pie (cherry crisp - yum!) and my favorite ice cream, Death by Chocolate! I feel like the older you get the less important birthdays are, but I don't want to be like that. I loved birthdays as a kid and I still want to celebrate just as much now. I'll figure something out soon. Maybe go on a weekend trip to Chicago, or a weekend trip to Lake Michigan, or even a weekend trip to Mackinaw, that would be fun! Can you tell I love my state! I think i'll plan something now and work on my blog redesign.

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