
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year... Belated

Hello! I'm a little behind on the times, yeah Christmas was over a week ago and News Years was yesterday, but I haven't posted since September, so yeah I need to get up to date with y'all. Might as well add Happy Belated Thanksgiving too lol.  Well, if any of you work retail, you know this is/was the business time of year, then add family time, and just everyday life. It can be pretty crazy. My Christmas was good, mixed in with eh... I live in Michigan, and you may have heard about our big ice storm that knocked the power out in over 200,000 homes. I was one of them. I was without power for 6 days. I stayed with my mom the whole time. And it was annoying after awhile (not the getting to spend more time with my mom part, but having to go to my house to get things, check on everything, and pray my pipes wouldn't freeze (they didn't!)). Glad its over and thankful to have power! So blogging wasn't a big priority at that time.

So now I got you up to date, kinda, it's the new year. And I am so happy for 2013 to finally be over. It was a good and bad year. Probably the worst. My father and half brother passed away, which i'm still not over. I think losing a parent will take some time to get over. But for 2014, i'm praying for restoration. I'll write more on that later. I'm looking forward to 2014. I'm looking forward to more projects, more blog post, and finally- 3 years in the making- the launch my business! Yeah, i'm finally gonna do it! So yeah, that's all for now. I'll write more later, but for now I just wanted to check in with you and share briefly what i've been up to. Talk to you later!

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