
Friday, March 25, 2011


I've been going through some of my old post on another blog, and I really miss writing, so i'm going to do more on here! Lately i've been thinking of the beauty of God. I'm just so totally overwhelmed with how truely awesome He is. He is so beautiful. His charactor and who He is, it just captivates me. I've been dwelling on Him so much yesterday and today (and need to more and more). I can't even begin to wrap my mind around Him. I think when I meet Him face to face, i'm going to awestruck of everything. Reading about Him in the Bible just blows my mind- He is the lover of our souls. He loves us oh so much, more than I think we will ever really know until the day comes when we get to be with our Creator God forever an ever. He's constantly on the chase after His bride. And He is always thinking of us, from the beginning of time He had us in mind. His perfect plan was for us, about us. The precision of how everything was made, the thought behind it. It's all for us. He is beautiful because He loves us. He gave us Jesus to take our place, to take on our sickness and diseases, take on our sin, broke the curse and died on the cross... for us. Nothing to me is more beautiful than the sacrifice, but He is also alive in heaven preparing a place for us. The love never ends. You know what else I was thinking of, our beautiful Lord made us in His image. We are beautiful because of Jesus. God looks at us and thinks the world of us! He thinks we're beatiful. I love nature and the creation. I see a a sunrise and a sunset and think beautiful. I see the the moon and intricate design of the night sky and think beautiful. I see all the things this world has and God made it beautiful, but to God, we are more. He made the sunset, He painted the sky, and places each star in the heavens, but He didn't send His sun to die for them, He didn't save the world, He saved the people in it. He values us and loves us and calls us precious and dearly loved, and sees us as beautiful. Compared to all the beauty of this world- He finds us more beautiful.... I'm blown away...... I think from now on i'm going to try to see things through God's eyes, see things as beautiful. One of my desires is to see value in things, more specifically in people. See them as God sees them, see their positive things instead of flaws, see them as valuable, highly valuable and loved by God. That's my goal this rest of the week. And you are highly loved and valuable, more beautiful than the sunset, to God! He loves you immensely and want to be with you. He thinks you are beautiful.
God is love, -Jen

God thinks you are more beautiful than this!

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