
Saturday, March 12, 2011


Hey! Sorry for the almost week long no posting. It's been kind of a not the best week. Except on monday, I got my DBA and openned a business bank account!!! So now I will be selling on etsy shortly. I'm kind of excited about that!
I made a goal list of things I want to do before i'm 30, and one of them is to write a book. I've been thinking about it lately and instead of writing a physical book, I think I will convert it into a blog. I think though i'll just write it on here as a feature, verses a whole other blog, but we'll see!
Also I can imagine most everyone heard about what happened in Japan and the pacific coast line. It's quite tragic and really puts life into perspective. Definetly praying for those involved and will continue while things get recovered and restored.
Other than that I don't really have too much to post this morning. I'll update and link on the business progress as soon as possible and get back into the swing of things this upcoming week!
Happy Saturday!

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