
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

DIY- Chips (Pita or Tortilla)

Just stopping by for a quick recipe. I love diy everything, so cooking is included. I saw how to make pita chips on tv this morning, it's super easy. Just brush on olive oil on the front and back of the pita, cut in little triangles, and sprinkle with salt, and bake! I don't have pitas so i used flour tortillas and also out of olive oil so I used a little butter on the top. I sprinkled the first batch with a tomato basil seasoning mix, the next i'm trying bbq seasoning. The last I will try a sweet version of cinnamon and sugar. I baked mine at 350 degrees for 10 mins and they turned out very good. Can't wait to actually get pitas to make pita chips. I love new recipes!

Monday, November 28, 2011

I love Crafting!

I've had kind of a uncrafty few weeks. I miss crafting. I bought some mini canvas recently and I love them. They are perfect and cute and great for little simple paintings! Right now i'm working on some simple craft theme paintings. The camera one is kinda inspiring me to paint a bigger canvas full of all cameras.
This is a just for fun project, but i'm thinking they would also make cute little gifts!
I love the Christmas season! I totally want to make a lot of handmade things for this holiday, i'm excited!
I think I will look at pinterest for ideas. Have a lovely week!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Financial (Early) Friday- Black Friday Addition

Hey guys, what's up? It's only days away... Black Friday! And you know what that means, crazy awesome sales and for the retail working people- craziness in general. I know it's alittle early for Financial Friday, but since I do work retail and will be working that day I probably won't have too much time to blog about it. So early is ok. I'm not going to give you hints about where to shop, what the best deals are, etc. There are lots of other sites that may have the ads early, so i'll leave it at that. Also you can probably check out the Krazy Coupon Lady  for good deals and what not.
Here's my tips for a successful, fun, and money saving black friday:
1.) Plan it out- Check out the ads ahead of time, make lists, and get a game play for the big day. Scheduling can make a big difference. But if you get off your schedule, don't worry just reroute, re-plan, and relax and have fun!
2.) Buddy System- Don't go shopping alone. Having someone with you makes it fun and you can help each other out in getting the items you want.
3.) Eat- Eat before hand, or take a snack with you. Also take a lunch, (or breakfast) break.
4.) Be Nice- Don't leave you're morals and kindness at the door. It's a busy day for everyone, so be nice to the employees, be kind to others around you, and have understanding, patience, and selflessness.
5.) Be Thankful... Always- Despite the circumstance of the day, good or bad, be thankful. Coming off of a holiday of thankfulness, remember the true reasons why you are out there- whether for fun, to get gifts for a lot cheaper, or get something for yourself for a great deal- be thankful for what you do have, for the deal you did get, and the fun you have. If it isn't fun, there is still so much to be thankful for. Thanksgiving isn't the only day for thankfulness, everyday is!
6.) Think Safety- Unfortunately we live in a world where people aren't nice. Keep your purse on you at all times, never ever leave it unattended in a cart. I highly recommend a cross body style. Also look out for others. People shouldn't get physically hurt shopping. I know a lot of stores have improve the way things run, but still no need to overly rush and knock down people or cut people off or whatnot. Be nice. (Also this applies to driving too, it's going to be busy, be careful driving.)
7.) Budget- Plan how much you want to spend and fit it into your current budget. Don't just spend money to spend, stick with a plan. No need to go into debt over a t.v. that is ridiculously cheap.
8.) Stick with a List- Just because it's a good deal doesn't mean you need it. Many times i've bought things that were super cheap, but I didn't need it, or didn't eat it, or didn't even want it. Stick to your list and don't stray from it. It doesn't mean however you can't get want you may want that isn't listed. Use good judgement. And worse case, most places have pretty good return policies, just keep your receipts.
9.) Dress- Wear comfortable and warm clothes. Layers are good too. Chances are you will be standing outside quite a bit, so bring gloves and a scarf. And a hot beverage wouldn't hurt either.
10.) Take Heart- Don't be disappointed if the item you want is sold out, or you  didn't get too much on your list. There are a lot of other sales and coupons and Meijer will probably have their Santa Bucks soon. Plus you are brilliant and smart- you will totally find something even better, maybe even a better sale. And there is cyber monday! I actually don't know too much about cyber monday, nor have participated, but there is probably websites for those deals as well, and you can stay in your warm house in your pjs or comfy clothes  for that!

So that's my list of what I think are good tips for Black Friday! Stay safe, have fun, save money, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Before I Die....

Hey! Since I last posted I was having a dream identity crisis. Well glad to say crisis adverted. But I did discover I have business a.d.d. So i'm going to be spending some time thinking, planing, praying, and maybe in a week or two I will know what to pursue!
I am currently working on restyling an ottoman, but it will take some time so I will post the entire project soon. I can't wait to work on it more! I guess that's it for minor updates. I read a blog post about a wall with a title 'Before I die_______' and I thought I would do a small post about it. You can read more on Leigh-Ann's blog Freckled Nest.
Before I die:
-I want to be found by the one and get married.
-Have kids
-Own a successful business
-Retire before i'm 50
-Buy a house
-Quit my job
-Go on a date
-Get a puppy
-Own a house on the beach
-Be content with who I am
-Be all who God called and created me to be.
-Keep things Simple.
-Make a bucket list.
There's a lot more, but that's a few for now. Happy Wednesday.
P.S. Does anyone watch Survivor? This is my second season that i've watched so far. And I haven't missed an episode til tonight. And I heard sad news- Ozzy was voted out :(   There is alway redemption though. Can't wait to watch it online tomorrow. Very thankful for internet tv!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dream Identity Crisis

Hi! Unless you're from Arizona, you get an extra hour today! I'm kinda excited about this. I love falling back. Except for the longer nights. I'm not a big fan of it getting dark at 6p.m. I've been thinking about things lately in regards to what I want to do, career/business/life wise. I'm not liking the whole retail job thing, especially working for someone else. I really want to be self employed. That is ultimately my goal. And I want to pursue it. But im not sure how.
I know when I was little the "what do you want to be when you grow up" question changed, but years between. I remember wanting to be a cartoonist. I loved to draw (still do). Then I wanted to be an elementary teacher. Still kinda do, but i'm not passionate about it. A business owner did cross my mind. I wanted to be a brain surgeon, if knives or bones were not involved (I don't like knives and I don't like bones. I do use knives, and I do like that I have bones, but I just don't want to see them outside of where they are suppose to be). I also joked about becoming a wrestler (i'm a wimp in reality) so I can get into the government to be president. Yeah, definitively don't want to do that. :) . As of current, I do want to own a business. Started photography. But I feel like everyone is doing photography. I feel like I can't compete or be special in it. I'm probably wrong.  I do like photography still. I also like crafting and making things. I got a DBA and opened a business bank account and Etsy. I just don't know where I fit in in this crafty, diy, photography, hobby as business, etc industry.
I have so many likes and wants and ideas, but i'm not sure what to pursue. I want to make a second income and I know it's possible for it to become my main to only income, but I just am unsure where to start. I think I have business a.d.d. Maybe I just need/want to be the kinda like the next Martha Stewart. But with focus on photography, crafting, and decorating. That would be fun. I'm also thinking of opening a cupcake shop. But i'm not totally sure of that either.
If you're in the same boat, it's ok to be undecided. Just be true to yourself. Figure out what you love, your gifts, and find out from others what your good at. Then maybe it will click on what you should do. I'm praying for my moment of knowing without a doubt what i'm suppose to do.
Well thanks for listening. And sorry for the lack of pictures and d.i.y. postings. I'm cleaning the house and my craft room and can't craft till I get that done. But I did buy some cool stamping stuff at walmart in thier halloween stuff for only 24cents!!! Lots of ink pads and glitter and a fall stamp. I miss crafting. And I have a future ottoman restyle project too. I will definitely take lots of pics of that and post about it too. So look forward so some crafty stuff soon.
Thanks again. Enjoy your extra hour.