
Monday, November 21, 2011

Financial (Early) Friday- Black Friday Addition

Hey guys, what's up? It's only days away... Black Friday! And you know what that means, crazy awesome sales and for the retail working people- craziness in general. I know it's alittle early for Financial Friday, but since I do work retail and will be working that day I probably won't have too much time to blog about it. So early is ok. I'm not going to give you hints about where to shop, what the best deals are, etc. There are lots of other sites that may have the ads early, so i'll leave it at that. Also you can probably check out the Krazy Coupon Lady  for good deals and what not.
Here's my tips for a successful, fun, and money saving black friday:
1.) Plan it out- Check out the ads ahead of time, make lists, and get a game play for the big day. Scheduling can make a big difference. But if you get off your schedule, don't worry just reroute, re-plan, and relax and have fun!
2.) Buddy System- Don't go shopping alone. Having someone with you makes it fun and you can help each other out in getting the items you want.
3.) Eat- Eat before hand, or take a snack with you. Also take a lunch, (or breakfast) break.
4.) Be Nice- Don't leave you're morals and kindness at the door. It's a busy day for everyone, so be nice to the employees, be kind to others around you, and have understanding, patience, and selflessness.
5.) Be Thankful... Always- Despite the circumstance of the day, good or bad, be thankful. Coming off of a holiday of thankfulness, remember the true reasons why you are out there- whether for fun, to get gifts for a lot cheaper, or get something for yourself for a great deal- be thankful for what you do have, for the deal you did get, and the fun you have. If it isn't fun, there is still so much to be thankful for. Thanksgiving isn't the only day for thankfulness, everyday is!
6.) Think Safety- Unfortunately we live in a world where people aren't nice. Keep your purse on you at all times, never ever leave it unattended in a cart. I highly recommend a cross body style. Also look out for others. People shouldn't get physically hurt shopping. I know a lot of stores have improve the way things run, but still no need to overly rush and knock down people or cut people off or whatnot. Be nice. (Also this applies to driving too, it's going to be busy, be careful driving.)
7.) Budget- Plan how much you want to spend and fit it into your current budget. Don't just spend money to spend, stick with a plan. No need to go into debt over a t.v. that is ridiculously cheap.
8.) Stick with a List- Just because it's a good deal doesn't mean you need it. Many times i've bought things that were super cheap, but I didn't need it, or didn't eat it, or didn't even want it. Stick to your list and don't stray from it. It doesn't mean however you can't get want you may want that isn't listed. Use good judgement. And worse case, most places have pretty good return policies, just keep your receipts.
9.) Dress- Wear comfortable and warm clothes. Layers are good too. Chances are you will be standing outside quite a bit, so bring gloves and a scarf. And a hot beverage wouldn't hurt either.
10.) Take Heart- Don't be disappointed if the item you want is sold out, or you  didn't get too much on your list. There are a lot of other sales and coupons and Meijer will probably have their Santa Bucks soon. Plus you are brilliant and smart- you will totally find something even better, maybe even a better sale. And there is cyber monday! I actually don't know too much about cyber monday, nor have participated, but there is probably websites for those deals as well, and you can stay in your warm house in your pjs or comfy clothes  for that!

So that's my list of what I think are good tips for Black Friday! Stay safe, have fun, save money, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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