
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Before I Die....

Hey! Since I last posted I was having a dream identity crisis. Well glad to say crisis adverted. But I did discover I have business a.d.d. So i'm going to be spending some time thinking, planing, praying, and maybe in a week or two I will know what to pursue!
I am currently working on restyling an ottoman, but it will take some time so I will post the entire project soon. I can't wait to work on it more! I guess that's it for minor updates. I read a blog post about a wall with a title 'Before I die_______' and I thought I would do a small post about it. You can read more on Leigh-Ann's blog Freckled Nest.
Before I die:
-I want to be found by the one and get married.
-Have kids
-Own a successful business
-Retire before i'm 50
-Buy a house
-Quit my job
-Go on a date
-Get a puppy
-Own a house on the beach
-Be content with who I am
-Be all who God called and created me to be.
-Keep things Simple.
-Make a bucket list.
There's a lot more, but that's a few for now. Happy Wednesday.
P.S. Does anyone watch Survivor? This is my second season that i've watched so far. And I haven't missed an episode til tonight. And I heard sad news- Ozzy was voted out :(   There is alway redemption though. Can't wait to watch it online tomorrow. Very thankful for internet tv!!!

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