
Saturday, January 28, 2012

For Your Listening Pleasure

Hello, recently introduced to this song. And I feel like i'm going to be pressing replay a ton.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


2 things i'm completely addicted to right now is Pinterest. Feel free to follow me on there is you would like. The link is to the left! And Words with Friends. I'm not the best at it yet. Never played scrabble in my life. But I like the challenge of it. I'll post a real post later, maybe my favorite pinterest pins this week. :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Can't Stay Silent About This

There are some issue that I feel really strongly about, and one is abortion. I'm strongly against it. I am sometimes questioned and challenged by my stance, and I believe that a baby is a human being from conception and that murder is wrong. I recently watched an excellent, life changing 33 minute film called the 180 Movie. It strengthen what I believed and helped me see why, with out a doubt, I know it's wrong. I also saw a few other videos that gave a different side that most people don't see. I feel like in order to have a brilliant life, I need to help others have one too, and I want babies to be able to have life that God created them to have. One thing I will always do is work for God, my businesses will always be linked to His heart. I know saving babies is. He loves everyone, especially the least of these. There is always a way. Adoption is a wonderful option. There is so many willing people who want to have children who maybe can't. I know I want to adopt someday. Also, there's always abstinence. Doing things God's way and saving yourself for marriage is one of the best things. Anywhoo... here's those videos that changed my life.

"He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me." -Jesus, Matthew 25:45
ut whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." -Matthew 18:6

Thanks for reading, I know these type of post are my usual crafty, light, fun, etc post. But it is something that's important to me. And I know it's something God wants be to share about.
I'll be back later this week and i'm thinking about doing a craft weekend so I think I will be posting some diys and crafts!


Thursday, January 19, 2012

She's Crafty

I like all kinds of music, I know this isn't monday, but I heard this song for the first time today by the Beastie Boys. I'm familiar with a few of their songs, Sabotage is my fav of theirs (the video mostly). Well I was thinking this new (new to me, its from 1986)song could be my theme song, but it's a different kinda crafty. I'll just pretend the lyrics aren't what they are and it's about the arts and crafts crafty.. haha.. here it is. Some vintage Beastie Boys with She's Crafty-

Have an awesome week!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Button Ring DIY

I love making my own jewelry. It's fun to create and wear a one of a kind piece. I've always wanted to make button rings so here's a super easy diy for it!

 All the supplies can be found at most craft stores. I bought everything from Hobby Lobby (except this pair of scissors). And if you can do this diy for super cheap if you watch for sales. I'll explain the cost at the end of this post!

 This super easy diy is done with only 4 simple steps.
 1.) Cut out a circle alittle bigger than the button cap. You can either free hand or draw a circle on the wrong side of the fabric. I cut it free hand.  If your buying fabric, less than 1/8th of a yard will be more than enough. Also make sure when cutting the fabric you cut where the print you want centered on the button to be in the center of your cut. They do have different sizes of this button covers and backings too, so if you have a bigger print you can make a bigger button. I chose the 3/4 in for this one.
2.) Remove the button loop on the backing with pliers. It just takes a few pulls and a little bending of the ends of the loop.
3.) Put the fabric circle the wrong side up into the white mold, then put the button cover in it. Push the excess fabric into the button cover, then put the backing on it. Push it down until it snaps into place. Mine only snapped in on one side, so I took it out of the mold and used pliers to push the other side in. Be careful not to put too much pressure where it may bend the button cap.
4.) Use either hot glue, a metal glue, or a jewelry glue for metals**. I used hot glue, because I couldn't find my metal jewelry glue (which I would use that because it bonds really well, also bonds well to your hands so be careful). The hot glue worked well after the 2nd time. I glued the ring then pushed it into the back of the button. Let it sit for a bit. It stayed together for a while then came off when I put on a sweater. So I re glued it, putting glue on both the button and the ring and adhered. It is staying together better after that. Also hot glue dries quickly. And don't worry about the strings, they pull off easily after it dries.
*This is the Jewelry and Metal Glue. It should bond instantly and be careful not to get it on your hands.

There you have it! It took about 30 mins to make. And here is the cost break down of the project-
1.) Fabric - depending on the cost per yard. Hobby Lobby always has their Cotton Calicos and Apparel 30% off. It will definitely under $1.
2.) Glue Gun - if not on hand they are alittle under $3.00, use the 40% hobby lobby coupon to save more!
3.) Button Cover and Cap kit- $2.99. But with a 50% sewing notion sale it was only $1.49. And it can make 5 buttons (or button rings)!
4.) Ring - $1.47 ($0.73 with 50% off). Found in the jewelry make department. Look for sales too and they have multi-packs too!
5.) Scissors- if not on hand they are $1.99 ($1.19 with coupon).
So total cost with sales, and not including the scissors and glue gun:
      ~$1.50 (appox.)
That's super cheap for a ring! I can't wait to make more with different fabrics!!! 
Happy Crafting!