
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Vous Ete Mon Coeur

You are my heart.
A very interesting statement. I've been on a Gungor kick lately, listening to nothing but Gungor. I came across this song: Vous ete mon coeus (You are my heart) and I instantly loved it, but more was consumed by it.

Where have you hidden yourself oh my beloved

You fled having wounded
I pursued but you had gone

In search of you my darling I would scale the highest clouds
Scour wooded valleys, roaring torrents whispering gales

Vous etes mon coure

When you first regarded me
Your eyes filled me with grace
Thereby again my eyes
Merited to adore you

Vous etes mon coure
You are my heart.

I instantly felt this was a song between Jesus and us. A conversation. When we are wounded, sin, don't do something God would like, sometimes instead of seeking God and His forgiveness we hide from God. God is always in pursuit of us. Despite our falls, God still and will always love us. He loves us so to make a way so we can be with Him forever by giving His Son as a sacrifice for our sins. When receiving Jesus into your heart, He changes your life completely. And the pursuit continues. "You are my heart." Jesus says. He is always thinking of us. That will never change. God's heart is that none shall perish, that's why He made a way. He sees our brokenness and still wants us. As I live my life, I want Jesus as my heart. I want His character, His motivation, and His love to over take who I am. This is one of my life goals. To be so caught up in Jesus and have Him truly as my heart that it changes me even more so and i'm compelled to do things they way He would, and see people the way He does. Vous ete mon coeur, Jesus. 

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