
Monday, June 11, 2012

I'm Just Waiting

I'm been questioned, questioning, and be persuaded about some things I believe. I am pro saving yourself for marriage, but a lot of people don't understand that. Well, I don't agree with their side of the issue, and never will. It had me thinking a lot about this. Just alittle back ground, i'm currently single. The desire has always been there to get married. I've dreamed about it for so long and hoped it would happen soon. Well my soon came and left. And here I am still single. So I took matters into my own hand, I went on a few online dating sites. I've never been a fan of them, and still weary I registered any ways (never paid though). Well, I came across a few semi decent (online at least, in real life- no clue), some creepy, and a few that could possible be potentials. I quit a lot of them for a while then reactivated, quit, reactivated. Every time I quit I felt so much better. I recently read a blog post about online dating and why she doesn't like it, and it totally reconfirmed and helped me realize why I don't like it, which you can read the post here: Becoming a Hopeful Romantic - Online Dating.  So I quit for good! I am just simply going to wait, but in my wait I am going to seek after God more than ever.

Singleness is an amazing season that you should treasure. I'm learning that more so now. I've single most of my life, and at times I did not view it as a gift but it really is. And by letting go of the online dating game, i've given my trust back in God to write my love story. I am more of an old fashion type, I love the story of how Isaac and Rebekah met in the Bible. Isaac actually sent his servant to find his wife and the servant prayed to God that the right girl would water my camels. He came to the well and there was Rebekah and she offered him some water and his camels. She was Isaac's one. But She didn't go to seek out Isaac, he pursued her. You can read the complete story here: Bible Gateway- Isaac and Rebekah. And Ruth and Boaz's story, so Ruth moved to another country with her mother in law (her husband passed away). Well, long story short, Ruth ends up working for Boaz, and then they marry! I left a lot out so you can read the whole story here: Biblegateway- Ruth and Boaz. Another story I like starts at the very beginning of time with Adam and Eve. Adam, newly created by God, was chilling in the garden of Eden naming the animals (off subject, how cool is that- first he named all the animals- he came up with zebra and panda, secondly that he had the creative knowledge to name all the animals, amazing). And out of all the animals there was no suitable helper, not even the dog. So God made woman out of Adam's rib (and dust and God's breath). And the two became one and set the official standard of marriage, which is between a man and woman. You can read that story here: Biblegateway- Adam and Eve.

God is so creative, faithful, good. He has the best love story for you and me. Someday, if it's your desire God will set you in the right place at the right time to either be found or to find the right person. I believe that the guy should pursue the girl. The girl should be found. Proverbs 18:22 says: The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the LORD. In all the bible in all those stories and more, the guy found the girl. Isaac found Rebekah, Boaz found Ruth, Adam found (kinda, more she was made for him) Eve. And all these stories were written by God. God had Rebekah go to the well and give water to Isaac's servant, God had Ruth go to her mother in law's country and work for Boaz, and God simply made Eve for Adam. And God lead each of the guys to their ones. I trust God and know He will direct my path to be at the right place at the right time and be prepared for my future husband. I can't wait to find our what God is writing for my love story, but I will also wait. Along with waiting, i'm not going to date. My goal is to only date my future husband. I was inpired my this from the book 'I Kissed Dating Goodbye' by Joshua Harris and the song 'Average Girl' by Barlowgirl, which you can watch here:

Well, that's all I have to say on this for now. Here's a final video to close that I recommend watching. I saw it last year and it also inspired me to wait for the right guy.

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