
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hello, Again!

Hello! It's been so long! Well, I have some tremendous news... I'm officially a home owner!!! I'm sooo excited to be living in it. I love my house! Also, i've been thinking about this blog and the content, and I have decided that I am just going to be me. Not that I haven't been me, but i've been a follower to an extent. I imagine i'm not the only one in the blog world, but I found a blog a love and started reading, and it shaped what I decided to post on, well... not anymore.. so much. I mean I might post similar stuff like pinterest picks, favorite products, diys (of originality, not copying :)  ), and etc. Also i'm going to keep posting my usual stuff- finances, music, my life, and etc. I'm also going to start posting about my favorite subject, my need and love for my savior, Jesus! I can't shy away from it, He is my life. I won't be overly churchy though, don't worry. I just want to be me!
Also, the blog re-design is going well,  i'm still working on a few things for it. I would like to keep it simple.
Well, I guess that's all for now. I'm going to dream up some plans for my new house.
OH and my house hunting story will be one of my next post, I love talking about houses and want to share my experience, any advice I have, and things i've learned!
Talk to you soon! 


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