
Saturday, September 8, 2012

My New Life

One of my goals this year was to get a dog. I wanted a small/medium size dog, well trained, easy grooming, house broken, and preferably crate trained. I kinda also wanted 2 dogs so they could keep each other company. Well last friday I went to the local animal shelter and I tried out a few dogs. A medium size labrador retriever, she was too big and too much for me, I couldnt really control her. I also got to meet a cute beagle named Buddy, but he wasn't the right dog either. Then I decided to take on the twins (not identical). I took the two over hyper jackabee (jack russel/ beagle mix) into the little room and yep, they were it. I felt a little crazy and impulsive, but I liked them. A lot. So I adopted them. Now my life is a lot different. They sleep in my bed, good thing I have a queen size! They also get up at 6am, and I have to take walks everyday with them, which isn't a bad thing. Pets are awesome, but also take a lot of responsibility, which is totally worth it. The first night as I was trying to sleep, I just couldn't turn my mind off and kept regretting getting them. Mostly I was nervous about the new life I was about to embark on. I was thinking about the things I would have to give up and change. But then came the thoughts that I was able to give these guys a new life and a good change.
Me and the pups
There's me with the pups. Their previous name was Samson and Delilah. Samson is the one with brown fur in the back, Delilah the beagle looking one in the front. I'm not 100% sure about names. The names reminds me too much of the Bible story of Samson and Delilah, and based on the story, I prefer to rename them. The boy's new name is Riley. And the girl i'm having a bit of trouble. She's cute and little, so she needs a cute name. So far i've come up with Penny, Lucy, Lily, and Lilah. And I can't decide. I think i've narrowed it down to Lily or Lilah, i'll make a decision tomorrow, because I have to start teaching them their new names. I may stick with Lilah since it's a part of Delilah, i'm not sure. 

Here's a little more about them:
They are both 4 yrs old, brother and sister, and the classic jack russel and beagle. Loves to sniff everything, can jump really high, and very hyper. It's pretty interesting watching them and seeing their different personalities.
Riley- He's a very lovable, people friendly, sweet dog. He loves to gives kisses. He's a little more chill and likes to be near me constantly. I put them in the crates over night the first 2 nights because I wasn't sure what they would do. He would be good for a few hours, but then whine and bark. He's a very obedient dog. I love him!
Lily or Lilah- She is also lovable, sweet, people friendly, and independent (to an extent) dog. She is more of a leader. She also doesn't like to be without her brother. She is really good in the crate, never whined or barked. She's very smart. She's super sweet. I love her too!
They are the sweetest dogs! I do love them so and would do anything for them. I am so blessed to have them. They are everything I wanted on my dog list. I can't wait to take them for walks, go to the park, and spend the rest of my life with them (or the rest of their lives). They are so cute, I can't get over it!
Well, there's one of my big news. My new roommates lol.
Good night!


  1. Oh my goodness Lily and Riley are oh so adorable! :) I know they have added such joy. Blessings, Dawn

  2. Thanks Dawn! They really have. And the joy definitely outweighs all the crazy things they do, the good and the bad. Thanks for stopping by! :)
