
Saturday, October 6, 2012

House Love: Flipped

  I love houses. I loved looking for houses when I was buying. I love watching shows about houses- buying, selling, remodeling, etc. I loved finding my perfect for me house. Because of all this, I decided to do a new feature called House Love! It will be where I write about house- listings I find under $100k (appox.) and simple ideas to make it better, dream houses, and home decor ideas. I will share my own house buying story soon, but tonight I wanted to share one of the houses I loved, but didn't get. 
It was on and off the market, the 2nd or 3rd time it came back on the market I jumped at it. I walked through it with my family and love it. Though it needed a lot of work, there was more pros than cons. The yard was probably what I loved the most, huge yard with trees- perfect size (maybe not to mow though- i'm not much  into yard work yet, but mowing is ok). The inside had great potential. I thought about the house a lot as far as what I would change and what I would do to each of the rooms. I was too infatuated with this house (my advice on looking at houses is don't get too emotionally attached, houses come and go, and not all the houses you like are meant to be yours, just keep your head up and the right one will come! I'll write another post with my house hunting advice later). I made an offer after looking through it, and was excited. A few days before I made my second offer (well tried) on a different house, but it had too many offers and weren't accepting any more. I was heart broken, then this house came and I thought this house could be it. Well, it wasn't. I was heart broken again, but it was ok. I always knew the right house would come (and it did, that story will be another time). So appox. 6 months later, this house is back on the market and it's been flipped! And it looks incredible! So here's the before pic (I don't have a source for these pics since it was from the original listing which was removed after it sold.)-

The pics are of the front of the house, the livingroom, the kitchen, and a bathroom.
Now here's the after pics same house and same rooms, except remodeled and $100k more.
It's quite the transformation! I can't believe the kitchen- amazing!

If you are looking for houses, don't over look the lower priced or foreclosed houses. There are some great houses available right now. You may not be a professional, but with a few simple changes you can make a house look way better. Sometimes all it takes even is a fresh coat of paint!
I'll post more budget houses with potential and ideas on how to make them better in the future. I was so excited for this house, I had to share!
Thanks for reading!

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