
Sunday, March 30, 2014

20 Random Facts

Hello! Today's blog posting will be a chance for you to get to know a little bit more about me! Here's 20 random facts-
1.) Though my all time favorite color is purple. Week by week I usually have a different favorite color (other than purple. This week it's coral.
2.) I'm a picky eater. I've been trying new things the past few years now, and in inclusion I still don't like tomatoes.
3.) I'm not picky on cereal. Of the ones i've tried, I like. Even the non name brands, though some you need to get the brand- cheerios is one of them.
4.) I'm also not picky on candy. I love candy. My favorite is cotton candy and for chocolate are snickers and the chocolate with almonds and toffee in it.
5.) If I find money, I pick it up. Even pennies. The greatest amount I found so far is $10. So far I have over $40 of found money. I find money mostly everywhere I go, other than paper money I love finding quarters. It's a childhood habit I will never grow out of.
6.) I love playing games. However I tend to get bored easily with games you play on your phone with other people. For example, I can play candy crush daily (multiple times a day), but Song pop, words with friends, etc I play a few rounds then I don't play for like 13 days. Some friends understand, some friends want to block me... speaking of, I better take my turn on Phrase Friends (it's pretty fun, kinda like wheel of fortune), it's been 10 days since I last played.
7.)I do like fast food (who doesn't?), I just don't eat it often, about once every 2 weeks or so. But my current addiction is Taco Bell. I love the ranch doritos taco and their happy hour- freezes for $1, absolutely!
8.) Pandas are my favorite animal. Followed by Flamingos, and Sloths. I don't know what it is about sloths, I just find them unique. Owls are an honorable mention :)
9.) I have a collection addiction of white ceramic owls. I have 3 so far, may add a non white one soon that will be spray painted white.
10.) I like white ceramic animals in general. Along with the 3 owls I have a fish, a bull dog, 2 rabbits (felt I needed something Eastery/ Springing in my decor), birds, and a deer. I will be painting a rhino white soon to add to the collection. I also bought little plastic animals and painted them white, so I think they should count too. They are actually for a potential diy project, but for now a white mini dinosaur and mini rhino are hanging out on my thermostat.
11.) I love HGTV magazine (and the tv network too). It's my favorite thing to come in the mail that I look forward every month!
12.) I have a crush on the Property Brothers. I can't really decide who I would pick (as if life was like the dating game haha), I like Jonathan for his contracting skills... um... yeah, and I like Drew for his knowledge of home stuff.... lol... yeah I don't know them personally, but they are nice to watch, both for tips on house stuff and they are rather dashing in appearance, but more for the house stuff.
13.) I'm addicted to office supplies. I feel like this has come up before. But I can't pass by a cute patterned notebook even though I have 10 notebooks (I buy them on clearance after the back to school sales, I got a ton of composition books for under 10 cents each!). Oh and the pens, and storage, and furniture, and.... yeah i'm learning self control. The last office supply I bought was pens because they were pretty and I wanted a new pen. They were $1 for 2 and are gel pens. I haven't used gel pens in ages, I kinda miss them.
14.) I'm quiet. I tend to listen more than talk, until I get to know people, then i'll talk more. Except for when I blog, can't stop talking (or typing rather).
15.) I usually like things other than cake for my birthday. For many years I had cheese cake with strawberries. Pie is the other contender. Last year I had a mix of eclairs and cream puffs. I do love cherry pie with the crumbles (like dutch apple pie), and my favorite cake is cherry chip cake.
16.) I like this song- M83- Midnight City (youtube video). When I first heard it, rather when I first saw the album cover- it creeped me out, so I always used to skip the song when it came up on my Pandora station. I finally gave a chance, still couldn't look at the picture of the creepy monster alien. It's a pretty good song, it grew on me (just not the creepy picture). Oh p.s. I chose a video with the creepy monster thing to show you, so just as a warning, it's there.
17.) I used to have bad dreams about the zoo when I was little. The zoo I went to twice in my life in Ft Wayne, Indiana. It's a really nice zoo, I totally recommend it. At the zoo there is a little island in the middle of a little lake and on it was a mother goose statue. I don't entirely remember the dream now (thank goodness), but I remember it had to do with that lake and island and being trapped out there. I don't know, it was kinda scary as a kid. Though when I went back the actually place it's scary, like I said, it's a very nice zoo.
18.) I'm currently addicted to Bath and Body Works Hawaiian scents. I got a free travel size lotion of the Hawaiian one, and it smells so good. I think it's passion fruit and something else. It smells like bubble gum to me. I also love the coconut one too, I have it in a body spray and I might go a little overboard with it.
19.) I mentioned before I like video games, especially most Mario games. Well I also like The Sims. I've been playing the game since Sims 1 came out and loved it ever since. I have most of the games and extension packs of the Sims 1 and 2. The Sims 3 I only have a few. I've kinda grown out of the game a little, but do enjoy building houses more than playing the game. I find it so fun to build and decorate. I've actually built my parents home and my house. I used the game to see about furniture placement and decorating ideas. It's actually come in handy for that kind of stuff. Plus is it fun to play too.
20.) I love cupcakes. Maybe more as decor verses to eat (don't get me wrong, I like eating cupcakes). I want to have my dining room and kitchen be kind of decorated more with desserts. I have cupcakes fabric framed in my dining room, and I have a few cupcake jars around the house too. They are cute and delicious!

So there is my lengthy 20 random facts. Hope you enjoyed and hope it helps get to know me a little more!
Thanks for reading!

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