Psalms 37:4 says- "Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." and Philippians 4:8 says- " Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." Houndstooth and Damask are lovely... oh and a pink couch is something I kinda desire. But these aren't the things I should be
To be honest, i'm not the best at setting aside time for that. I spend my entire day taking little moments to talk to God or read a verse, but not a good amount of time. I'm letting life distract me from being at Jesus' feet. I'm being more like Martha in this case. I need to let some stuff go and realize what is truly important- spending time in God's presence.
And once I let go, things will get better, I will feel better. I need Him more than anything, more than a pink and navy blue room. When it comes down to it, not much matters except God and people. God loves us and cares about what we care about. And He is totally cool with that lamp from Target, or the table from Ikea. The desire for my house to be a home and nicely decorated is one that God is ok with. Just look at Solomon's place (well read about). God's ok with nice things. He wants us to have the best, but more importantly He wants us to be the best.
I encourage you, I don't know what things you have going on in your lives, take time for the things that matter most. Do what makes you happy (or buy, with in your budget :), what makes you happy (a nicer tv)) and most importantly do what makes God happy- love Him and love others.