
Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Hello! Hope you all had a great Christmas! I did. I got a corelle dish set that i've been wanting for a while, money for an office chair (I think I found one at! Just have to go to Ikea to check it out), a bow ring, a tool bag, and Beckah Shae's cd Destiny!!! What are some presents you got?
After Christmas I like to think about the coming year. I feel like 2012 will be a year of God's favor and blessing, a year of answered prayers and dreams and desires being filled. So I'm starting to write down goals and things I want in 2012. And I have big expectations! I'll post more about them, when I come up with more than 3. I do know I want to do way more photography, way more d.i.y. and craft projects, and start my etsy business. I'm so excited for next year! I'll be back with some goals later in the week, also news of a new project!
Later, -Jen

Monday, December 12, 2011

Something New!

Hello. My name is Jen, and I am a craft hoarder... well, kinda :)   I do have a nice collection of stuff, which I will make into something someday. And I realized my problem even more so when I found I have 9+ pairs of scissors. But they all have different functions, well a few. Ok, ok it's not that bad. It's organized and has it's very own room that you can walk through, and it's animal free!!! Haha. In other news, i'm opening an Etsy shop in January, officially! So I can put to good use my craft things! I set up a factory in my living room instead of the craft room because living room has a tv and crafting and watching go well together. I'll have some aprons, bags, jewelry, photography, and canvases listed and maybe a few other things. I'm also excited to be making some Christmas gifts this year too! Well I thought I would stop by with that news. Gotta get back to the factory!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

So this is Christmas... Soon!

I love Christmas. It's the best season! Right now i'm watching "She's Crafty" a Canadian hgtv show, holiday edition. Love this show, so many good ideas. I can't help to make all the projects. I'm also starting to decorate the Christmas tree, and then I got an idea for diy ornaments, if they turn out I will post about it. I got the idea to use pictures, so i'm looking up the Beatles. And came across this photo:

The Beatles having a picnic in the winter.
Here's a few more Christmas/winter related:



I love pictures of the Beatles. Well, I better get back to my Christmas decorating!
Have a good night!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Can't Sleep...  i'm listening to Collective Soul on youtube and thinking about business ideas. I think I may open my etsy shop this weekend. It's been a long time coming and a dream of mine to run a business and what a great place to start. I need to get cracking on making things though. I have one necklace so far, photography prints, and lots of ideas. With Christmas coming I really want to make a lot of Christmas gifts, but i'm not sure what or how and I really love the idea of supporting handmade, so next year i'm going to try to do 100% handmade shopping. Maybe that will be one of my new years resolutions. I also have to start thinking of a name for my shop. It probably should be relatable to my blog and brand. I'm actually getting really excited about this whole thing! I definitively think I was meant to do this. Well I better get to bed, 5:30 wont be too pleasant if i don't.
 Also I didn't know Collective Soul sang this-

Well, goodnight.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Just, Me

Hello there! I'm kind of thinking things over. I think as far as my blog, I need to be more of who I am, and not try to (loosely) be like others. So what does that mean? It just means, my blog will just be filled with stuff I love (diys, recipes, inspiration, music, Jesus, fashion, photography, goals, dreams, random things, etc). I find that if I don't do what I love it won't mean anything or wont be as good. I'm not saying that the things I've written in the past aren't things I have loved doing, they are. I just don't want to compare my blog to anyone elses and blog similarly to theirs (and not saying I may not have a similar style or post sometimes). I just want to be original, unique, and me. And I think everyone should too. Be you, do what you love to do, be who you were made to be. You are unique and special and loved. Don't be like someone else, just be you!