
Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!!! 
It isn't my favorite holiday yet. It's fun for kids and couples, but not so much for singles. Kinda depressing. Well, after many years of "depressing" Valentine's days, i've learned its ok, it's just another day! Basically I got over it. This year i'm still over it. I'm still single. And I started something different, something new, something uncertain, and yet something- I signed up for an online dating site. I'm learning as i'm going (was always and will always be cautious). I'm still not a big fan of it, but it's something. I'm tired of not doing anything but waiting, hoping. I'm still waiting and hoping, but i'm also trying this. And if I even just meet some new friends or whatever, that's cool. But I do hope i'll find the right guy sometime soon.
Some things for singles to remember-
1.) You are more valuable and worth far more than anything. No guy can take that away. The right guy will see it and treat you as such. Don't settle for just any one, go for the best, the right guy.
2.) Your time is valuable. Don't let people waste it.
3.) If someone you have a crush on doesn't feel the same way and you get crushed, don't be heart broken. Be sad for a bit, be mad if you have too, then move on. He's not worth it, and really he's missing out. The right guy will come and will know you're worth more and he will be worth everything.
4.) A guy won't define you. Dating won't define you. You define you and before you are in a relationship you should really have a solid grasp on deep down who you are. No guy can change the true you, only God.
5.) A guy won't complete you. He should compliment you. Bring out the best in you.
6.) Be careful. Guard your heart.
7.) Be yourself. The right guy who you are ment to be with will love you for who you are. Never try to impress a guy with exaggerated facts and things to make you look good.
8.) Have fun and trust God. He has the best plans for you. Just be patient and prepare yourself. And enjoy your life whether you are single or not.

There's just a bit of my advice for fellow singles.
Later. -Jen

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