
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hello, Goodnight

Hello! A ways back i've decided to stick with one blog, this one. Well, i'm sticking to it. If I want to write something that isn't crafty, or home related, or whatever, I can. It's my blog :)   So i'm posting on this one and this one alone.. well i'm not entirely being truthful. There is another blog in the works. It's a specific blog. I've been wanting to write about home decor, design, and homes for awhile and that's what i'm going to do. It's going to be my version of an hgtv show but blog (kinda). So that will probably launch mid February. I'm currently working on the design and getting some content written before publishing it. I'm excited for it. And I won't neglect this blog either. I was reading some older post and I came to the conclusion that I miss posting on here. My goal is to post on here atleast once a week. If I post more, great. But i'm ok with once a week for now. I actually have a schedule planned out for this blog to write every other day and write weekends on the home blog. I think it will work, but i'll take baby steps and go for the once a week goal till I make that a habit.
If I get married this week (I'm not, and Im not seeing anyone, so this is all hypothetical) I would totally have navy, pink, and gray as my colors. If i was designing a room I would have navy and pink be the main colors with gray and yellow(?) as accent colors. I'm still crushing on Navy and Pink. It's a pretty color combination. I've noticed a color trend for spring, i'm indifferent about it. Lots of soft mint, blue, and coral. I can't wait to see more color trends.
Well I better get going.
Night Nite-

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