
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Headboard Ideas

Good Evening!
So I just got a new mattress. I splurged on a queen size. Im so excited to have the whole bed to myself (a benefit to being single). Well i'm not getting a bed frame with headboard/footboard yet. So my plan was to make my own headboard. Now i'm just thinking of ideas, checking out pictures online. Here's some I found that I kind of like:

I like the idea of a chalk board. I love chalk board paint . I would probably just get a sheet of plywood or something of that nature and maybe just keep it rectangular. It would be cool to decorate it via chalk drawings, even take notes. I always write before I fall asleep, so it would be cool to have

I do like the idea of  a shelf. I'm big into storage and bookshelves. And putting the bed against one might be cool. Extra storage space plus a place to put a notebook or book.

I'm addicted to fabric. There are so many great colors and prints. I could just hang up fabric on the back. And it's cool before it can be any cut to any size and really any print or color you want. I think I need to pick out bedding before this, but then again, fabric is pretty inexpensive. 2 yards would be more than enough length wise, it's just figuring out the width. So less than $10-15 with sales or coupon!


I like the idea, but i'm not sure if I would hang stuff from it like that. I like the simplistic and wood look of it.

This picture isn't really about the headboard, but I love the fabric on the wall. I currently live in an apartment and we can paint anywhere we want. But I don't want to take the time and paint and then paint over it with primer. But this is a fun idea to add color to the wall without doing anything major.
Well, that's all I found for now. A lot of ideas! Now to choose to!
Have a creative night,

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