
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Keep Quiet

Hi again. So i've been thinking lately about the things that are going on all around us. Recently in Grand Rapids, MI 7 were killed and the killer killed him self after it all. I don't know the whole story, I don't even know the background. I am praying for the families of the victims. It's so sad. It did get me thinking though, and not just about this case, everything, i'm thinking about their stories, their past, their present. If they knew about what I know and how it's radically changed my life, would their futures be different? Would their circumstances? Jesus has made a huge difference in my life. He's changed me for the best. If I didn't hear about Jesus, to be honest I probably would have depression, low self esteem, and be a self injurer. But thank God I was raised in a church and God was actived in every aspect of my life. Yeah there was low points. Growing up, mostly in late elementary school and middle school I remember not liking the way I looked at one point. I've had the thoughts that i'de rather die than deal with whatever was going on at the time. Once I truely got a hold of what God said through His word and and what it said about me, how I felt about myself became what God feels about me. And its amazing how He changed my life. Because of Him i'm beautiful, i'm brave, I have this amazing joy inside of me, I have love for others and things that I wouldn't if it didn't come from God. Who I am today is because of Him.
And knowing He did this for me, He can change others lives.

I feel like, for me (and other believers) we need to share our faith more. People need Jesus, they are ready to listen. All they need is someone to be bold enough to stand up and show them God, be like Jesus, love them. There's a song i've been listening to lately that I feel relates. It's called "Keep Quiet" by BarlowGirl.   

I can relate to this so much. I'm the quiet type, but I was really shy. I tend to hold things back, not share. And it's especially hard to talk to people I don't know, especially about my faith. But I need to more. I need to share what God has done and what He can do for them. There is so much hope in Jesus. More people need to know that. And i'm looking forward to sharing. I just feel like we need to share more. Speak up, don't keep quiet. You could be the difference in someone's life and future. God through you can change someones life. Don't be afraid, take courage. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.(Philippians 4:13). 

I'll probably be sharing more about this later. As for now, that's what's on my heart.
Thanks for reading. God Bless.

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