
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dream Identity Crisis

Hi! Unless you're from Arizona, you get an extra hour today! I'm kinda excited about this. I love falling back. Except for the longer nights. I'm not a big fan of it getting dark at 6p.m. I've been thinking about things lately in regards to what I want to do, career/business/life wise. I'm not liking the whole retail job thing, especially working for someone else. I really want to be self employed. That is ultimately my goal. And I want to pursue it. But im not sure how.
I know when I was little the "what do you want to be when you grow up" question changed, but years between. I remember wanting to be a cartoonist. I loved to draw (still do). Then I wanted to be an elementary teacher. Still kinda do, but i'm not passionate about it. A business owner did cross my mind. I wanted to be a brain surgeon, if knives or bones were not involved (I don't like knives and I don't like bones. I do use knives, and I do like that I have bones, but I just don't want to see them outside of where they are suppose to be). I also joked about becoming a wrestler (i'm a wimp in reality) so I can get into the government to be president. Yeah, definitively don't want to do that. :) . As of current, I do want to own a business. Started photography. But I feel like everyone is doing photography. I feel like I can't compete or be special in it. I'm probably wrong.  I do like photography still. I also like crafting and making things. I got a DBA and opened a business bank account and Etsy. I just don't know where I fit in in this crafty, diy, photography, hobby as business, etc industry.
I have so many likes and wants and ideas, but i'm not sure what to pursue. I want to make a second income and I know it's possible for it to become my main to only income, but I just am unsure where to start. I think I have business a.d.d. Maybe I just need/want to be the kinda like the next Martha Stewart. But with focus on photography, crafting, and decorating. That would be fun. I'm also thinking of opening a cupcake shop. But i'm not totally sure of that either.
If you're in the same boat, it's ok to be undecided. Just be true to yourself. Figure out what you love, your gifts, and find out from others what your good at. Then maybe it will click on what you should do. I'm praying for my moment of knowing without a doubt what i'm suppose to do.
Well thanks for listening. And sorry for the lack of pictures and d.i.y. postings. I'm cleaning the house and my craft room and can't craft till I get that done. But I did buy some cool stamping stuff at walmart in thier halloween stuff for only 24cents!!! Lots of ink pads and glitter and a fall stamp. I miss crafting. And I have a future ottoman restyle project too. I will definitely take lots of pics of that and post about it too. So look forward so some crafty stuff soon.
Thanks again. Enjoy your extra hour.

1 comment:

  1. "For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. As in all the churches of the saints" -1 Corinthians 14:33

    He gifted you with so much...He will make it clear for you soon.
