
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Can't Sleep...  i'm listening to Collective Soul on youtube and thinking about business ideas. I think I may open my etsy shop this weekend. It's been a long time coming and a dream of mine to run a business and what a great place to start. I need to get cracking on making things though. I have one necklace so far, photography prints, and lots of ideas. With Christmas coming I really want to make a lot of Christmas gifts, but i'm not sure what or how and I really love the idea of supporting handmade, so next year i'm going to try to do 100% handmade shopping. Maybe that will be one of my new years resolutions. I also have to start thinking of a name for my shop. It probably should be relatable to my blog and brand. I'm actually getting really excited about this whole thing! I definitively think I was meant to do this. Well I better get to bed, 5:30 wont be too pleasant if i don't.
 Also I didn't know Collective Soul sang this-

Well, goodnight.

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