
Saturday, October 6, 2012

House Love: Flipped

  I love houses. I loved looking for houses when I was buying. I love watching shows about houses- buying, selling, remodeling, etc. I loved finding my perfect for me house. Because of all this, I decided to do a new feature called House Love! It will be where I write about house- listings I find under $100k (appox.) and simple ideas to make it better, dream houses, and home decor ideas. I will share my own house buying story soon, but tonight I wanted to share one of the houses I loved, but didn't get. 
It was on and off the market, the 2nd or 3rd time it came back on the market I jumped at it. I walked through it with my family and love it. Though it needed a lot of work, there was more pros than cons. The yard was probably what I loved the most, huge yard with trees- perfect size (maybe not to mow though- i'm not much  into yard work yet, but mowing is ok). The inside had great potential. I thought about the house a lot as far as what I would change and what I would do to each of the rooms. I was too infatuated with this house (my advice on looking at houses is don't get too emotionally attached, houses come and go, and not all the houses you like are meant to be yours, just keep your head up and the right one will come! I'll write another post with my house hunting advice later). I made an offer after looking through it, and was excited. A few days before I made my second offer (well tried) on a different house, but it had too many offers and weren't accepting any more. I was heart broken, then this house came and I thought this house could be it. Well, it wasn't. I was heart broken again, but it was ok. I always knew the right house would come (and it did, that story will be another time). So appox. 6 months later, this house is back on the market and it's been flipped! And it looks incredible! So here's the before pic (I don't have a source for these pics since it was from the original listing which was removed after it sold.)-

The pics are of the front of the house, the livingroom, the kitchen, and a bathroom.
Now here's the after pics same house and same rooms, except remodeled and $100k more.
It's quite the transformation! I can't believe the kitchen- amazing!

If you are looking for houses, don't over look the lower priced or foreclosed houses. There are some great houses available right now. You may not be a professional, but with a few simple changes you can make a house look way better. Sometimes all it takes even is a fresh coat of paint!
I'll post more budget houses with potential and ideas on how to make them better in the future. I was so excited for this house, I had to share!
Thanks for reading!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

My New Life

One of my goals this year was to get a dog. I wanted a small/medium size dog, well trained, easy grooming, house broken, and preferably crate trained. I kinda also wanted 2 dogs so they could keep each other company. Well last friday I went to the local animal shelter and I tried out a few dogs. A medium size labrador retriever, she was too big and too much for me, I couldnt really control her. I also got to meet a cute beagle named Buddy, but he wasn't the right dog either. Then I decided to take on the twins (not identical). I took the two over hyper jackabee (jack russel/ beagle mix) into the little room and yep, they were it. I felt a little crazy and impulsive, but I liked them. A lot. So I adopted them. Now my life is a lot different. They sleep in my bed, good thing I have a queen size! They also get up at 6am, and I have to take walks everyday with them, which isn't a bad thing. Pets are awesome, but also take a lot of responsibility, which is totally worth it. The first night as I was trying to sleep, I just couldn't turn my mind off and kept regretting getting them. Mostly I was nervous about the new life I was about to embark on. I was thinking about the things I would have to give up and change. But then came the thoughts that I was able to give these guys a new life and a good change.
Me and the pups
There's me with the pups. Their previous name was Samson and Delilah. Samson is the one with brown fur in the back, Delilah the beagle looking one in the front. I'm not 100% sure about names. The names reminds me too much of the Bible story of Samson and Delilah, and based on the story, I prefer to rename them. The boy's new name is Riley. And the girl i'm having a bit of trouble. She's cute and little, so she needs a cute name. So far i've come up with Penny, Lucy, Lily, and Lilah. And I can't decide. I think i've narrowed it down to Lily or Lilah, i'll make a decision tomorrow, because I have to start teaching them their new names. I may stick with Lilah since it's a part of Delilah, i'm not sure. 

Here's a little more about them:
They are both 4 yrs old, brother and sister, and the classic jack russel and beagle. Loves to sniff everything, can jump really high, and very hyper. It's pretty interesting watching them and seeing their different personalities.
Riley- He's a very lovable, people friendly, sweet dog. He loves to gives kisses. He's a little more chill and likes to be near me constantly. I put them in the crates over night the first 2 nights because I wasn't sure what they would do. He would be good for a few hours, but then whine and bark. He's a very obedient dog. I love him!
Lily or Lilah- She is also lovable, sweet, people friendly, and independent (to an extent) dog. She is more of a leader. She also doesn't like to be without her brother. She is really good in the crate, never whined or barked. She's very smart. She's super sweet. I love her too!
They are the sweetest dogs! I do love them so and would do anything for them. I am so blessed to have them. They are everything I wanted on my dog list. I can't wait to take them for walks, go to the park, and spend the rest of my life with them (or the rest of their lives). They are so cute, I can't get over it!
Well, there's one of my big news. My new roommates lol.
Good night!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Catching Up a Bit

Hello! I haven't written in a little while. Just wanted to stop in and let you know of some news about the business. I officially came up with a business name and it's super cute and it has a specially meaning to me and I can't tell you quite yet! I will soon though. I'm hoping to launch my etsy shop in Oct. I'm still working on product development, my brand, a logo, goals, 5 year plan, and everything else. I want to take my time and do it right. Speaking of that, that's kinda been my new motto. Especially with my home makeover. I like doing the work, but it gets tiresome over time. I can see the end result in my head and I want to fast forward to get to that part. So I tend to rush some projects, which I realized isn't right. I came to the realization I need to take my time and do things right. Fill in all the cracks on the wall, tape the edges of doors and windows so they don't get painted, and everything else that goes into painting a room or any other project. Do it right the first time and do it with excellence. If it takes 2 weeks to do one room, so be it! I'd rather have a really good looking room than one that is done but half heartedly. I think that could be applied to everything in life too. Do your best, do it well, and love what you do. I will love my bedroom so much more without settling cracks in the wall and maybe some crown molding on the wall/ceiling. I really can't wait till everything is done with my house, but i'm going to enjoy the process. Along with my business too!
Good Night!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

_____________ Fill in the Blank (Deciding on a Business Name)

Good evening! I've spent most of the weekend thinking of business names. I went to a local art fair and was inspired to make it a goal to be in it next year (it was actually a goal this year, but the buy a house goal took over). So I need a business name, brand, product, shop, etc. I have 2 pages full of name ideas and countless pages of business ideas from the past few years. This has been a dream for awhile. But this is the year! After all the thinking, researching- checking domains, etsy, gmail, blogs, etc, and more thinking, I've decided to stick with this blog. Well, incorporate it into my handmade business! I'm just not sure in what way. So back to the drawing board I go, but atleast I have an idea for a name. With all this being said, my new etsy shop will be up and running in October! 2 months should be enough prep! Well, that's all on my mind now (and lots of name ideas still :)  ). Talk to you soon!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Passive Pursuit?...

I've been thinking about the message at my church on Sunday. The series my pastor is doing is called Transformed: Activate the Extraordinary, and it's really good. You can actually listening to it here online for the first week, and here for the 2nd week. Both weeks were extraordinary, but i've been really thinking about this weeks message. One quote in particular: "Spiritual gifts never come to the passive." -Pastor Kevin. It's so true, and not only with Spiritual gifts, but everything. Faith involves action. Being a Christian involves action. Yes, God chooses you, He loves you without any action on your part. But in order to be saved and have a home in Heaven, you need to take the action of repenting for your sins, believe that God sent His Son, Jesus to die for your sins and rose again, and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Action is required to receive the gifts God has for you (including Spiritual gifts).

Several times in the Bible, He says: "Ask and you shall receive.." and "You have not, because you asked not." Christianity isn't about a religion, it's about a relationship and relationships take actions. A relationship where one is passive isn't a very good relationship. The Bible says often- Seek and you shall find, seek me and I will be found by you, draw near to me and I will draw near to you.

If you've been passive, it's time to stop. What results come from a passive life? From my experience, not much. I wouldn't have bought a house if I was passive and didn't contact the realtor, mortgage company, looked at houses, placed an offer (or 2 or 3). Good things come to those who wait, but you can't just wait- GO AFTER IT! Pursue the good things. God has awesome plans for you life, go and seek Him, GO AFTER HIM. Pursue God. Find out His will for your life and go after them. If you feel a desire to be a singer, go after it. Practice, get your voice out there. If you have a desire to run your own business, go after it. Figure out what you want to do, plan it, invest in it, market it, and etc. Dreams don't work unless you do. And most importantly, include God in every step. Include Him in your every day life.

It's interesting, not many of the people from the Bible were passive when it came to things of God. Moses did have some obstacles and hesitations before doing what God called him to do, but God made a way, and Moses did it, He went after his calling. So many of the stories in the Bible involved people who were active in their faith and did not live a passive life, but went after all God had for them and live extraordinary!

 I want to be that. I don't want to sit and watch things pass by and see others living the awesome life God has. I'm going to work on that. And it starts with simply seeking God. I can't wait to know all that God has planned for me. I can't wait to be living the life more abundantly. I can't wait to live the extraordinary life. I'm pretty excited!

Hope this encourages you! I will post verse references for this tomorrow, and maybe add more to this subject. A lot is on my mind about it, hence the longer than norm. post! :)
Have a good night/day!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hello, Again!

Hello! It's been so long! Well, I have some tremendous news... I'm officially a home owner!!! I'm sooo excited to be living in it. I love my house! Also, i've been thinking about this blog and the content, and I have decided that I am just going to be me. Not that I haven't been me, but i've been a follower to an extent. I imagine i'm not the only one in the blog world, but I found a blog a love and started reading, and it shaped what I decided to post on, well... not anymore.. so much. I mean I might post similar stuff like pinterest picks, favorite products, diys (of originality, not copying :)  ), and etc. Also i'm going to keep posting my usual stuff- finances, music, my life, and etc. I'm also going to start posting about my favorite subject, my need and love for my savior, Jesus! I can't shy away from it, He is my life. I won't be overly churchy though, don't worry. I just want to be me!
Also, the blog re-design is going well,  i'm still working on a few things for it. I would like to keep it simple.
Well, I guess that's all for now. I'm going to dream up some plans for my new house.
OH and my house hunting story will be one of my next post, I love talking about houses and want to share my experience, any advice I have, and things i've learned!
Talk to you soon! 


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Blog Vacation

Hey! I know i've posted much lately, a lot of stuff going on with in my family and my life at the moment. So i've decided to take a blog vacation. Not only because of my personal life, but I also want to take some time to plan, redirect, redesign, and yeah just plan out this blog and my other idea for a blog. To make it better and for refined, focused, and what I want it to be. I'm actually pretty excited about it. Also i'm so much closer to buying my 1st house! I can't wait to live in it! That's another reason for the vacation. I'm not literally going anywhere, just a vacation from blogging for a bit. So Enjoy your summer! I'll be back soon with a fresh new look and maybe a new focus, but we will see!!!
Later :)

Monday, June 11, 2012

I'm Just Waiting

I'm been questioned, questioning, and be persuaded about some things I believe. I am pro saving yourself for marriage, but a lot of people don't understand that. Well, I don't agree with their side of the issue, and never will. It had me thinking a lot about this. Just alittle back ground, i'm currently single. The desire has always been there to get married. I've dreamed about it for so long and hoped it would happen soon. Well my soon came and left. And here I am still single. So I took matters into my own hand, I went on a few online dating sites. I've never been a fan of them, and still weary I registered any ways (never paid though). Well, I came across a few semi decent (online at least, in real life- no clue), some creepy, and a few that could possible be potentials. I quit a lot of them for a while then reactivated, quit, reactivated. Every time I quit I felt so much better. I recently read a blog post about online dating and why she doesn't like it, and it totally reconfirmed and helped me realize why I don't like it, which you can read the post here: Becoming a Hopeful Romantic - Online Dating.  So I quit for good! I am just simply going to wait, but in my wait I am going to seek after God more than ever.

Singleness is an amazing season that you should treasure. I'm learning that more so now. I've single most of my life, and at times I did not view it as a gift but it really is. And by letting go of the online dating game, i've given my trust back in God to write my love story. I am more of an old fashion type, I love the story of how Isaac and Rebekah met in the Bible. Isaac actually sent his servant to find his wife and the servant prayed to God that the right girl would water my camels. He came to the well and there was Rebekah and she offered him some water and his camels. She was Isaac's one. But She didn't go to seek out Isaac, he pursued her. You can read the complete story here: Bible Gateway- Isaac and Rebekah. And Ruth and Boaz's story, so Ruth moved to another country with her mother in law (her husband passed away). Well, long story short, Ruth ends up working for Boaz, and then they marry! I left a lot out so you can read the whole story here: Biblegateway- Ruth and Boaz. Another story I like starts at the very beginning of time with Adam and Eve. Adam, newly created by God, was chilling in the garden of Eden naming the animals (off subject, how cool is that- first he named all the animals- he came up with zebra and panda, secondly that he had the creative knowledge to name all the animals, amazing). And out of all the animals there was no suitable helper, not even the dog. So God made woman out of Adam's rib (and dust and God's breath). And the two became one and set the official standard of marriage, which is between a man and woman. You can read that story here: Biblegateway- Adam and Eve.

God is so creative, faithful, good. He has the best love story for you and me. Someday, if it's your desire God will set you in the right place at the right time to either be found or to find the right person. I believe that the guy should pursue the girl. The girl should be found. Proverbs 18:22 says: The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the LORD. In all the bible in all those stories and more, the guy found the girl. Isaac found Rebekah, Boaz found Ruth, Adam found (kinda, more she was made for him) Eve. And all these stories were written by God. God had Rebekah go to the well and give water to Isaac's servant, God had Ruth go to her mother in law's country and work for Boaz, and God simply made Eve for Adam. And God lead each of the guys to their ones. I trust God and know He will direct my path to be at the right place at the right time and be prepared for my future husband. I can't wait to find our what God is writing for my love story, but I will also wait. Along with waiting, i'm not going to date. My goal is to only date my future husband. I was inpired my this from the book 'I Kissed Dating Goodbye' by Joshua Harris and the song 'Average Girl' by Barlowgirl, which you can watch here:

Well, that's all I have to say on this for now. Here's a final video to close that I recommend watching. I saw it last year and it also inspired me to wait for the right guy.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Greater Goals, vol 1

We all have them, goals and dreams we someday hope to achieve. They can be anything like getting a good grade in school, travel somewhere, buy a house, get married, etc. I have a ton a goals. I may goal list all the time. Some are just for a day (like a to-do list), some are future related (5 yr goals), and some are more than those. I've been thinking lately on some new goals. When I read certain scriptures in the Bible, I want to add them to a goal list. But this goal list isn't an ordinary list, but an extraordinary list- a supernatural list. I want to do some of the things that happened in the Bible. If it happened to them, why not me. So I'm starting a series of my biggest goals, extraordinary goals, greater goals. I don't know how many volumes there will be, but I do have a lot of goals and I know more will be add the more I read and discover more in God's Word. So here's my first set of my greater goals:

1.)"But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God."-Acts 20:24(NLT)

The Goal- In everything I do, I want it to tell others about God, His goodness and grace. This is probably my number 1 goal. I want my life to reflect Him. I want what I do to reflect Him. I know i'm not perfect at it, I do fall a lot, but God is graceful and merciful and good. Also i'm working toward not being shy, it's hard for me to flat out witness to people. And it kinda scares me to be honest, but God is helping me. This is definitely something I want to work on on a daily basis.

2.) "
But as for me, I will sing about your power. Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love.
For you have been my refuge a place of safety when I am in distress.O my Strength, to you I sing praises for you, O God, are my refuge the God who shows me unfailing love." -Psalm 59:16-17(NLT)
The Goal- I want to sing more. Remember when I told you I was shy, well, i'm also shy about singing and not confident. I don't like singing infront of people, even when in a group. But I want to sing more, about God. Also I want to be more outward in expressing my love for God in a creative way, such as painting, writing, etc. He means more to me than anything and He is the reason for my talents, I owe them all to Him.

3.)  "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus." - Acts 4:13 (NIV)
The Goal- People would know I've been with Jesus. That my time alone with Jesus will infiltrate my world. This story in Acts 4 is pretty cool, Peter courageously spoke to the Sanhedrin (it would be kinda like speaking infront of the Supreme Court, I would think) while on trial. The key would be though, is that Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit. His words were led by the Holy Spirit. I want to be led by the Spirit as well. I want people to be astonished of my courage and that it's not by my own doings, but Jesus' doing. I want people to see a difference, and that will only come with spending time with Jesus.

Well, those are my big greater goals for now. I will have more for the next time! If you have greater goals of your own, feel free to share in the comments I would love to hear them!
Dream Big!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

News and a Preview

Hello there! I've been quite busy lately packing, planning, and just reg. life things. So some news, first: I bought a house!!! Well in the process! I'm quite excited and can't wait to move in!!! And secondly- I've decided to re-do this blog, i'm planning it out more and designing it. So here's a preview:

Well, that's all for tonight, more coming soon!
Have a lovely night!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Financial Friday- Birthday Freebies

I was trying to think of a good subject for today's financial friday post most of the day, and since today (well, 11 mins ago on the 27th) was my birthday why not post about that! One of my favorite things I discovered about 4 years ago was birthday deals and coupons. Businesses and companies want to give you free stuff on your birthday, i'm all about that! A lot of places have free e-clubs or some sort of thing where you sign up your email, birthday, and other simple info (not your credit card though, totally free!!!) and through out the year some will give you coupons and updates or special deals, then on your birthday they will send you something for free. For example- sign up for Arby's email and you get a free 12 oz shake with any purchase for you birthday. It's nice also because some of them expire after your birthday. My birthday is the 27th and most of my coupons expire May 3-5, and a small few the 11th and 27th of May. Which is nice so you don't have to use all your coupons in one day.
I will add a list of places that I know of that does birthday deals, some may be local to Michigan though, so it's a good idea to search 'free birthday coupons' on
Here's my list:
-Totally Free-
-Houlihans- Free meal (or food item) up to $15. (ex. the Stuffed Rosemary Chicken is $15.99, all you pay is $0.99 with the coupon!) (printable email coupon)
-Red Robins -Free Burger (royalty card)
-Culver's- Free Single Scoop Sundae or Mix your own with 2 toppings (printable email coupon)
-Biggby's -Free Grande Beverage (mail card) (Biggby is a Michigan Coffee Shop business, i'm not sure what their out of state locations are, but their Strawberry Shortcake Smoothie is amazing!)
-Menards- Big Card Members - Free tool of some sort, different every year.(mail card with coupon) This is a little different because it's not a royalty card, but a credit card. Which I don't recommend getting a credit card just for certain perks, but if you need a card or have one, Menard's sends you a tool coupon, last year I got a little flash light, the year before a screw driver set, and this year is a different type of screw driver set. They are worth about $10 and under so it isn't an extravagant tool, but I look forward to it every year.
-Noodles and Company- Free bowl of noodles (printable email coupon)
-NCG Cinema- Free Small Popcorn, value can be used to larger size (printable email coupon)

-Buy one, Get one-
-Applebees- Free Dessert with Entree purchase (printable email coupon)
-Bennigans- Free burger, salad, or sandwich with the purchase of a burger, salad, or sandwich equal or lessor value (printable email coupon)
-Dairy Queen- Free mini, small, or medium blizzard with a purchase of a medium blizzard
-Logan's Roadhouse- Free Peanut Butter Dessert thing with a purchase of an entree.
-Cold Stone Creamery- Free Like it ice cream with a purchase of a Like it ice cream
-Auntie Annie's -Free Pretzel item with the purchase of a pretzel item
-Fire Mountain Grill (Maybe Old Country Buffet too?) -Free adult buffet with the purchase of an adult buffet and 2 beverages
-Aveda- Free sample with $25 purchase online

There is others, if I remember them I will post more, but that's my list for now. Definitely search online for more!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Hi! Is it bad i'm thinking about doing a blog redesign again? I I've been reading the book: The Handmade Marketplace by Kari Chapin and the chapter I just finished talks about Branding. So i've thinking about my brand and I want my blog to represent my brand, along with my future etsy shop. That's why I may be redesigning and redefining my blog more in the next few days. Also in a few days is my birthday! I was pretty excited, but i've been going through a lot and sometimes I don't feel like celebrating, but the closer it gets the more I want to do something special. Due to work though, I can't do anything too extravagant, yet. I just want to have some fun and be happy again. I will have my usual birthday pie (cherry crisp - yum!) and my favorite ice cream, Death by Chocolate! I feel like the older you get the less important birthdays are, but I don't want to be like that. I loved birthdays as a kid and I still want to celebrate just as much now. I'll figure something out soon. Maybe go on a weekend trip to Chicago, or a weekend trip to Lake Michigan, or even a weekend trip to Mackinaw, that would be fun! Can you tell I love my state! I think i'll plan something now and work on my blog redesign.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Financial Friday: Becoming a CEO

Hey! This Financial Friday isn't really financial advice, but business and self advice rather. I was reading a post by Tyra Banks. I do enjoy watching America's Next Top Model and I find Tyra to be a good business women. So actually all I have for now is just her article. I actually learned and re-learned a lot. I do want to say that owning a business is a great thing, that is if you have a good business idea. I'll post another time about business. But regardless of whether you own a business or not, you are the CEO ( chief executive office) of your life, and I think Tyra speaks on this point well. So here's the link!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

It's the God in Me

I just heard this song through my Pandora quick mix station and I love it. It's 'God in Me' by Mary Mary, ft Kierra Kiki Sheard. I feel like it says exactly what I want to tell people: God is the reason for the good in me,  and it's His goodness over my life that is why i'm so blessed. I'm far from perfect, I will probably never reach that. At times my life is such a mess, and I feel so far from God. But because of His goodness He will always love me regardless of my faults, the same is true for you as well. When we give God our bad, He gives us His good. He looks at us not as we are, but through His Son, Jesus. He sees use as more -as His beloved, His chosen, His child. It's just amazing the love God has for His children. I love discovering new music through Pandora. I found another new artist that I may have to do some listening research, he's Sufjan Stevens. Ever heard of him?
Well, i'm off to enjoy this lovely Saturday. Scheduling some house cleaning and Forever 21 browsing (and maybe buying) and getting some home inspiration at a few other stores.
Have a good day!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Financial Friday- House Hunting

Hey! Sorry about the delay on the Music Monday-Plumb post. Everytime I write it I get super tired and stop (maybe I shouldn't blog at night so much :)  ), so i'm going to post it this up coming Monday. Well, for today's financial friday i'm actually going to share my personal experience on house hunting. I am currently looking for a house. I've started my search a year ago, but financially I wasn't there. This year I am! And I actually started looking again the same month as last year (February). My goal was to find one in February, start the process in March, and be in it by April. Well April is quickly approaching, and so far, I'm still looking. House hunting is so hard. HGTV makes it look so easy, but in reality it's not. I wish house hunting was like buying a pair of shoes, if you don't like them, you can return them. Well you can't return a house, you can sell eventually, but to go through the whole process again would be a little tiring. I do love looking at houses, the layouts, the decor (though in most houses i'm looking at are foreclosed and doesn't have anything in them), picturing furniture in the houses, and how I would live and decorate them. If looking at houses was a hobby, it would fall in like next to sewing, I love it! Buying, however is more than simply looking at houses. Right now i'm at a place where i'm questioning regrets. Will I regret not waiting and buying a house that I like but not 100% sure about it or will I regret not buying a house that was a really great (or potentially great) house. I wish it were easy, like a neon sign flashing or something obvious and grand saying: This is Your house! I suppose though, that's where God gives you a peace about a house and says, this is your house. I would like to think you will know that you know that this is the house you are suppose to have. I have a lot of praying to do.
Here's some first time home buying tips that i'm experiencing or have learning in my home buying journey.
 1.) Know your budget. Know how much you can afford and how much you want to afford. Once you know those figures you can start to look for houses in your price range. Also remember to consider utilities into your budget too.
 2.) Start saving as soon as possible for two things- 1.) Down Payment. - You ideally want to have 20% of the house price saved up. This way you won't have to pay for PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance) which will save you roughly $30+ (i'm not entirely sure of how much, but some mortgage cost estimates said about that). Also it will be less you're paying in interest and more towards your mortgage. And 2.) Fixing it up/ Appliances and Furniture. - Depending on your price range and houses you look at some won't have appliances, so having a couple thousand saved will help in getting what you need a bit quicker. Also some houses may need work. Most foreclosures will, especially deeper than cosmetically. And most will need new paint, carpet, flooring, etc. And if you find a nice house that's in really nice shape it's good to atleast have some extra money for paint if you want to customize it to your style. And furniture money is good too. Even if you have furniture already, it would be nice to have extra saved up to get more, or to decorate, or whatnot. Also don't forget about small kitchen appliances (microwave, toaster, blender, etc) , outdoor maintenance (lawn mowers, shovels, rakes, etc). There is a lot more cost that goes into a house than the house itself.
3.) Write down and know your wants in a house, needs, and would be nice but not necessary. I have a list of things I want in my house - first floor laundry, decent size back yard, nice area, 2+ beds, 1-1.5 bath, 2 Car garage would be nice but not necessary, etc. Know which one of your wants are ones you don't want to sacrifice and ones you can.
4.) Be prepared when meeting with your mortgage lender. Have all the paper work (mine was 2 months bank statements, last 2 paycheck stubs, and tax info, I imagine it's similar to most lenders) and stay organized with everything. I recommend getting a binder or folder to put everything you need for the lender and houses you find too.
5.) Get a realtor you can trust and get to know them. I love my realtor, she is super helpful and knows what she is doing and is really good at it too. Having a good realtor makes a big difference.
6.) Don't be afraid to walk away from a house or to make an offer on a house. If you think it's the right house, go for it. If it's not or your offer gets rejected, be ok with walking away. There is plenty of houses for sale right now. The right one will come along in the right timing too.
7.) See Potential. Be opened minded when looking at houses. Carpet, flooring, paint, even some walls can be changed. Just because the bathroom is all pink shouldn't detour you from what may be a great house. Just repaint and put a bathtub cover over it. Some "problems" can be easily fixed.
8.) Be realistic. The house you love may have a bad roof or foundation. Know what your limitations are, what you want to afford, and what you can fix or get fixed. It's on to look at houses above your price range because there is a chance they can drop in price, but don't look at only house that you can't afford, same with looking at house.
9.) Don't give up. There is a house out there for you. Just be patient and keep up the search.
10.) Have fun. House hunting is fun, so enjoy every moment of it. Even the not so fun.

So there is my tips. I will probably come up with more, the more I go into this journey. Hope these helped and if you have any questions about house hunting feel free to comment or email. And if I don't know the answer I will look it up.
Thanks for reading!
Night, -Jen

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

101th Post!!!

I totally missed that my last post was my 100th post! How cool, so i'm celebrating number 101! I was viewing some of my previous post and I think it can only get better and better!!! The next 100 post will be more planned out, more content, and just more. I'm pretty excited about what's to come. I should plan more pictures too. Well, back to life for a bit and then i'll be back for my belated music monday.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Music Monday: Plumb... Coming tomorrow!

Music Monday feature is going to be a day late. But i'll tell you who i'm featuring:
Plumb! So check back sometime tomorrow for the post!
Have a lovely evening-

Under Construction

Hey! The blog design is still a work in progress. I usually prefer a design using my photography, but this time I thought of using graphics I made. It's something new for me and I like it. I may go back to using photography again, but that's the great thing about a blog, I can change it. For now though, I think I will stick to this new design and tweak it along the way. I still have to add some pages, start a sponsorship thing, and plan some new post and features. I'm pretty excited about the outcome of this blog and its future! So stay tuned for much more.
Thanks for reading!

Friday, March 23, 2012

New Design and Financial Friday Tip

Hey there! I'm just up late working on a new blog design. Which means, i'm keeping up with this one (and only)! I think it would be best, plus i've been this far with it! My goal is to have a fresh new look by Sunday evening. I'm so exciting designing it, I really can't wait to try it out. And since it is Friday, I want to keep up with Financial -Fridays feature. I didn't plan out anything, but I do have a tip: Start an Emergency fund. You should have saved up 3-6 months living expenses, an extra $1,000, and whatever else you want to put in there. It's good to have money set aside just in case something does happen from an unexpected job loss to a household repair to car repairs. This is probably one of the first things you start saving up for and building. Well, that's all I have for tonight. Look for a new blog design soon and more financial tips. And I promise to have a more in dept better blog post for this feature in the future :)
See ya later!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

You're So Brilliant, Don't Soon Forget

As I mentioned in an earlier post, i'm having trouble coming up with a name for the new biz/blog. Thinking tonight, I just can't get away from something Brilliant related. Here's why- 1.) I Love the definition.
Brilliant: 1- sh
ining brightly; sparkling; glittering; lustrous  
                2  distinguished; illustrious  
                3  having or showing great intelligence, talent, quality, etc 
                4   strong and clear in tone; vivid; bright  
                5  splendid or magnificent I also love the synonyms too:
 Main Entry:
brilliant [bril-yuhnt]
Part of Speech:adjective
Definition:shining, glowing in appearance
Synonyms:ablaze, brightclinquant, coruscating, dazzling,effulgentflashyfulgent, gleaming, glittering,glossy, incandescentintenselambent, lucent,luminouslustrousradiantrefulgent,resplendentscintillatingshowysparklingvivid
2.)It originally came from the song "Unwinding Cable Car" by Anberlin.
The bridge of the song is "You're so brilliant, don't soon forget. You're so brilliant, grace marks your heart." I instantly loved the song when I first heard it, but that part stuck out to me.

And 3.) This verse: "Men and women who have lived wisely and well will shine brilliantly, like the cloudless, star-strewn night skies. And those who put others on the right path to life will glow like stars forever." -Daniel 12:3 (The Message (MSG))

Originally I first read this from the New International Version (NIV):
Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever."
I like both, but I like the Message version best. I actually just read this version today.

The reason I named my blog "So Brilliant Life" is based on those three. I think everyone is brilliant. We all have something inside of use that makes us unique, special, brilliant. And live truly is brilliant. Just the way God created it is brilliant. There are good days and bad days in life, but there is always chances and opportunities to shine despite the circumstances. I also love making things and I think being creative is the best. Everyone has a talent, something they are really good at. It doesn't matter how big or small, it's still something you are good at. And that's quite incredible, because you put your own special, brilliant point to things. I think that's so important in crafting and diy. Don't just copy, make it yours
, make it unique, add, take away from it. Just remember to give credit where it's due.

So with all that, I may just keep this blog and balance life, diy, and business in it. I may change things up though and maybe tweak the name, but i'm unsure so far. Well, that is that.

Keep being brilliantly you!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Naming things is hard and easy for me. Babies (not that i've named any personally, I just like coming up with names), groups (like prayer groups, or church groups), pets (my last pet's name was Nolan Rutherford Alexander. He was a betta fish!), and colors ( I like to try to come up with better names than what things are named, for example- I work in a craft store, with scrapbook paper, so sometimes I rename the cardstock colors (ok now i'm starting to sound weird.. but it's true, also with crayons :) ) -those are easy for me. Business and blog names are harder for me. Blogs, depending on what the blog is about. But a business blog... i'm stuck. Why is it so hard. But I'de rather put time into this one because my last names I thought of and tried didn't work for me. By the way, one of my new baby names I like is Paisley.. though i don't think I would name my child that, but maybe a pet or a business with something else. I also like the name Jane, but as a middle name like Evelyn Jane. Maybe I should start a Baby names blog... I think, though is pretty good. I just like pairing names I guess. Anywhoo... so this is why it's taking me a while to introduce (and start) the new blog/business venture. Also, i've been kinda dealing with health issues in my family that has taken a lot of my time. But family is most important. So that's why i've been away a bit. Hopefully progress will be made and a new blog and business will be made in April ( my favorite month, also my birth month!).
Well, I guess that's all for now.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

New Idea...

I'm still working on my new blog/business concept, and until that's up i'll continue updating here! :)   I've been really wanting to craft lately. I miss sewing so much. So I'm think of doing either a 30 day craft project (craft a day) or weekly crafts. I'm not sure yet, but i'm going to start pinning things for it tonight. I bought some cheap pink erasers to try stamp carving, maybe i'll try that tonight.
Well, that's all for all !

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A New Direction...?

Hello! I've been thinking lately about taking a new direction with my blog. Instead of starting a new blog, I think I will just re design, re purpose, and (slightly) re name this one. Or I could make a new blog on a separate gmail account and just link the new blog to this one. I may do option B. It seems easier. My goals are actually to build this blog more, well the new one, sponsor a blog I like, and generate traffic here (there to the new blog), and do a sponsorship on my blog too. I also want to start up an etsy shop too under the same name as my blog or similar. I guess I have a lot of thinking and planing going on as of lately. I really want to start what my dreams are and I think through blogging for profit and an etsy shop, I can! I totally want to live the creative, hand made life and be self employed (my ultimate dream). And I see so many people being able to be self employed through their etsy or handmade business. How cool would that be?! I'd prefer to set up shop when I move to my new house, but for now, I think I will have the new blog up and running by this weekend maybe. I'm still in the planning zone now though. I guess that's all for now. Just wanted to keep you posted on my ideas and direction for the blog. Thanks for reading!
Have a lovely night,

Monday, March 5, 2012

Photography Project

I just got back from an awesome wealth building weekend at my church. It was amazing!!! I'm so excited to start my business and actually try out an etsy store. Between packing, waiting, and moving i'm going to start to develop it first and build inventory. Lately i've been working on a few ideas. Here's my recent work.

I'm going to be working on a series of these. I may sell prints of them on esty as soon as I find a good printer. If you have any verse suggestions i'm game. I'm mostly  going to use landscape photography with it. Well that's all for now. Going to design more of these prints soon! Also the original photography is mine, the verse is from the Bible, NIV.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

House Hunting

Hello! Guess what!?!?!?! I may be buying a house soon! I'm oh so excited! I met with the mortgage company, now to look at houses and start the whole process I actually started about a year ago. I'm also kinda nervous. Is home ownership something I can really do? And financially? Despite all of my possible questions, i'm pretty confident. and of course the freedom of doing whatever I want to the house makes everything worth it too. With that said, i've been pinning things a lot on pinterest for home ideas. Here's some things I hope to in some ways to incorporate into my new home-

Love this simple and pretty dining room. My favorite is the stone wall (maybe a fire place?). In reality, I have my heart set on similar purple chairs from Ikea. Though i'll be buying one at a time because I think they are close to $200 a chair :).
I would love to have a library, or at least start out half office half library. What I like about this is more the organizing of the books by color. So fun. I actually organize by what the book is about- money, cooking, inspirational, etc.
The type of house i'm looking for is either a craftsman, cape cod, or ranch. I like certain things about each one. What I like about this house is the front porch and the house it self. Which I haven't found something similar in my area but i'm open as long as it's cute, on a street with a good name, in a nice neighborhood, fenced in yard, garage, near a library and a park, and so much more.

House buying is fun and tough. Nothing of what the HGTV show house hunters shows, lots more work involved. Speaking of HGTV, i wonder what they have for full episodes. Anyways, i'll be pinning a lot more house ideas from now on!
Well time for bed so I can get up on time for church in morning! 

(Oh yeah- Sources- Photo 1 was just found on Pinterest. Photo 2 from Here. Photo 3 also on Pinterest.)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Vous Ete Mon Coeur

You are my heart.
A very interesting statement. I've been on a Gungor kick lately, listening to nothing but Gungor. I came across this song: Vous ete mon coeus (You are my heart) and I instantly loved it, but more was consumed by it.

Where have you hidden yourself oh my beloved

You fled having wounded
I pursued but you had gone

In search of you my darling I would scale the highest clouds
Scour wooded valleys, roaring torrents whispering gales

Vous etes mon coure

When you first regarded me
Your eyes filled me with grace
Thereby again my eyes
Merited to adore you

Vous etes mon coure
You are my heart.

I instantly felt this was a song between Jesus and us. A conversation. When we are wounded, sin, don't do something God would like, sometimes instead of seeking God and His forgiveness we hide from God. God is always in pursuit of us. Despite our falls, God still and will always love us. He loves us so to make a way so we can be with Him forever by giving His Son as a sacrifice for our sins. When receiving Jesus into your heart, He changes your life completely. And the pursuit continues. "You are my heart." Jesus says. He is always thinking of us. That will never change. God's heart is that none shall perish, that's why He made a way. He sees our brokenness and still wants us. As I live my life, I want Jesus as my heart. I want His character, His motivation, and His love to over take who I am. This is one of my life goals. To be so caught up in Jesus and have Him truly as my heart that it changes me even more so and i'm compelled to do things they way He would, and see people the way He does. Vous ete mon coeur, Jesus. 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

For Your Listening Pleasure

Hello, recently introduced to this song. And I feel like i'm going to be pressing replay a ton.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


2 things i'm completely addicted to right now is Pinterest. Feel free to follow me on there is you would like. The link is to the left! And Words with Friends. I'm not the best at it yet. Never played scrabble in my life. But I like the challenge of it. I'll post a real post later, maybe my favorite pinterest pins this week. :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Can't Stay Silent About This

There are some issue that I feel really strongly about, and one is abortion. I'm strongly against it. I am sometimes questioned and challenged by my stance, and I believe that a baby is a human being from conception and that murder is wrong. I recently watched an excellent, life changing 33 minute film called the 180 Movie. It strengthen what I believed and helped me see why, with out a doubt, I know it's wrong. I also saw a few other videos that gave a different side that most people don't see. I feel like in order to have a brilliant life, I need to help others have one too, and I want babies to be able to have life that God created them to have. One thing I will always do is work for God, my businesses will always be linked to His heart. I know saving babies is. He loves everyone, especially the least of these. There is always a way. Adoption is a wonderful option. There is so many willing people who want to have children who maybe can't. I know I want to adopt someday. Also, there's always abstinence. Doing things God's way and saving yourself for marriage is one of the best things. Anywhoo... here's those videos that changed my life.

"He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me." -Jesus, Matthew 25:45
ut whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." -Matthew 18:6

Thanks for reading, I know these type of post are my usual crafty, light, fun, etc post. But it is something that's important to me. And I know it's something God wants be to share about.
I'll be back later this week and i'm thinking about doing a craft weekend so I think I will be posting some diys and crafts!


Thursday, January 19, 2012

She's Crafty

I like all kinds of music, I know this isn't monday, but I heard this song for the first time today by the Beastie Boys. I'm familiar with a few of their songs, Sabotage is my fav of theirs (the video mostly). Well I was thinking this new (new to me, its from 1986)song could be my theme song, but it's a different kinda crafty. I'll just pretend the lyrics aren't what they are and it's about the arts and crafts crafty.. haha.. here it is. Some vintage Beastie Boys with She's Crafty-

Have an awesome week!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Button Ring DIY

I love making my own jewelry. It's fun to create and wear a one of a kind piece. I've always wanted to make button rings so here's a super easy diy for it!

 All the supplies can be found at most craft stores. I bought everything from Hobby Lobby (except this pair of scissors). And if you can do this diy for super cheap if you watch for sales. I'll explain the cost at the end of this post!

 This super easy diy is done with only 4 simple steps.
 1.) Cut out a circle alittle bigger than the button cap. You can either free hand or draw a circle on the wrong side of the fabric. I cut it free hand.  If your buying fabric, less than 1/8th of a yard will be more than enough. Also make sure when cutting the fabric you cut where the print you want centered on the button to be in the center of your cut. They do have different sizes of this button covers and backings too, so if you have a bigger print you can make a bigger button. I chose the 3/4 in for this one.
2.) Remove the button loop on the backing with pliers. It just takes a few pulls and a little bending of the ends of the loop.
3.) Put the fabric circle the wrong side up into the white mold, then put the button cover in it. Push the excess fabric into the button cover, then put the backing on it. Push it down until it snaps into place. Mine only snapped in on one side, so I took it out of the mold and used pliers to push the other side in. Be careful not to put too much pressure where it may bend the button cap.
4.) Use either hot glue, a metal glue, or a jewelry glue for metals**. I used hot glue, because I couldn't find my metal jewelry glue (which I would use that because it bonds really well, also bonds well to your hands so be careful). The hot glue worked well after the 2nd time. I glued the ring then pushed it into the back of the button. Let it sit for a bit. It stayed together for a while then came off when I put on a sweater. So I re glued it, putting glue on both the button and the ring and adhered. It is staying together better after that. Also hot glue dries quickly. And don't worry about the strings, they pull off easily after it dries.
*This is the Jewelry and Metal Glue. It should bond instantly and be careful not to get it on your hands.

There you have it! It took about 30 mins to make. And here is the cost break down of the project-
1.) Fabric - depending on the cost per yard. Hobby Lobby always has their Cotton Calicos and Apparel 30% off. It will definitely under $1.
2.) Glue Gun - if not on hand they are alittle under $3.00, use the 40% hobby lobby coupon to save more!
3.) Button Cover and Cap kit- $2.99. But with a 50% sewing notion sale it was only $1.49. And it can make 5 buttons (or button rings)!
4.) Ring - $1.47 ($0.73 with 50% off). Found in the jewelry make department. Look for sales too and they have multi-packs too!
5.) Scissors- if not on hand they are $1.99 ($1.19 with coupon).
So total cost with sales, and not including the scissors and glue gun:
      ~$1.50 (appox.)
That's super cheap for a ring! I can't wait to make more with different fabrics!!! 
Happy Crafting!