
Monday, September 3, 2012

Catching Up a Bit

Hello! I haven't written in a little while. Just wanted to stop in and let you know of some news about the business. I officially came up with a business name and it's super cute and it has a specially meaning to me and I can't tell you quite yet! I will soon though. I'm hoping to launch my etsy shop in Oct. I'm still working on product development, my brand, a logo, goals, 5 year plan, and everything else. I want to take my time and do it right. Speaking of that, that's kinda been my new motto. Especially with my home makeover. I like doing the work, but it gets tiresome over time. I can see the end result in my head and I want to fast forward to get to that part. So I tend to rush some projects, which I realized isn't right. I came to the realization I need to take my time and do things right. Fill in all the cracks on the wall, tape the edges of doors and windows so they don't get painted, and everything else that goes into painting a room or any other project. Do it right the first time and do it with excellence. If it takes 2 weeks to do one room, so be it! I'd rather have a really good looking room than one that is done but half heartedly. I think that could be applied to everything in life too. Do your best, do it well, and love what you do. I will love my bedroom so much more without settling cracks in the wall and maybe some crown molding on the wall/ceiling. I really can't wait till everything is done with my house, but i'm going to enjoy the process. Along with my business too!
Good Night!

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