
Monday, April 1, 2013


Hello! I hope you had a good Easter Sunday! Mine was spent at church, then with family, and ended with watching the conclusion of The Bible series. Yep, I still get an Easter "basket" (decorative box, basket, or etc...this year was going to be a flower pot for my front porch, but I was unable to decide on one), anywhoo... :)   It was a bag filled with candy, a new glass water bottle, a melon baller (yes, I been kinda wanting a melon baller,  I like kitchen gadgets and appliances  it's my other addiction besides office supplies.), and a few other fun things! My doggies were also giving a basket full of 3 different kind of dog treats- one is duck shaped crackers, they love those! and a new rope toy (they love stuffed toys to shreds (literally) so only durable toys make it in this house now).
The Bible series was pretty cool. I only saw a few episodes, but they were good. I hope to watch the whole series sometime. I'm more of a visual person. I like to see things in order to figure things out, like with problems I like to write things down, or with traveling I like to see the directions and how to get there on a map instead of hearing the directions. I've been reading/hearing the Bible since I was very little. Always tried to picture the stories in my mind. Actually seeing them through this series brought them to a different light. One of my favorite things to see was involving the disciples. I don't know why, it just stuck with me different. Seeing a portrayal of their relationship with Jesus, how they interacted, how they loved him and each other, how they followed him- even after his death and resurrection, and a bit of their stories.

Being Christian then wasn't easy. Many of them were persecuted, most were put to death because of their beliefs, and yet they didn't give up. Being a Christian today is a little different, depending on where you live of course. Living in the U.S, there is persecution, but not to the point of prison or death. But there is more distraction, more things that make us comfortable and willing to live in our comfort zones. Jesus is outside of our comfort zone. I don't want to be a Christian who just sits on the side lines. Just goes to church and lives a nice life of being good to people and loving God... I want to do more, be more. I want to be like Peter, when an opportunity comes, to speak bolding about Jesus and do His work. I want to be like Paul, to encourage people and not give up. I want to be a disciple who does the work of Jesus, believes His word, and loves people. I want to live the life God intended me to live. One in which He will say, at the end of it all, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

But how? I know what being a Christian means, I know what His word says, I know how to love others. But how, specifically does God want me to be a disciple. It's kinda a weird question, I mean you should be a disciple in your everyday life- at your workplace, school, home, in everything. I guess for me, i'm trying to figure out what God wants me to do. I've been wondering this for awhile, as far as my calling. I suppose that's for another post. But yeah, I just want to be a disciple. One who walks with Jesus, one who hangs out with Jesus, one who knows Jesus. I want to help people, heal people, give to people, love people, and most important share with people that God loves them, that Jesus is their Savior.

That's what i've been thinking about this Easter. Being a true disciple. I guess I can go in more detail on that too in another post. This is mostly about what's on my mind. God is amazing and good. And even when we think we aren't good enough, He doesn't see it that way. He loves us right where we are, and wants to help us grow from there. There's so much more I can post about this and I will, but I will end this here for now.

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