
Monday, June 27, 2011

Women Who Rock: Blanca. [Intro]

Taking a break from moving to give some advice on moving. It helps to be as organized as possible, plan it out and as you go, take breaks, and listening to music helps!
I'm getting internet at my new residence soon, so I will do a full update then, but now I just wanted to give you a little intro into a new feature called:

I'm still working on the pic. But this feature will be about women who I find to be strong, positive role models and are a great example. I'll feature musicians, actresses, professionals, and more, but I also would like to feature my reader too. So if you would like your story to be featured here, send me an email with your story on why you rock to

My first will be brief, so I would like to do a full post on her, but my first is Blanca from Group 1 Crew.
She is a singer with the group and has an incredible story.
And here is her story:

I'll be back with more on why she inspires me and more!

Just Stopping by to say

hello there! Just got back from an awesome weekend at a concert festival. I'll post a few pictures soon. I'm actually about ready to call it a day, but I did want to stop in for a bit since I haven't updated in awhile. This week is going to be quick busy. My lease is up on the 30th so I have to be out of this apt. by then. I moved a bunch today, but still have like 50% to go. Tommorow I hope to get a lot more moving done. Also tommorow I plan on doing a post called "Women Who Rock" which will be based on my weekend at the festival and maybe later in the week i'll share my story with you so definitely check back later. And you know what isn't fun (among other things) about moving? I want to craft soooo bad. I really want to make the tile coasters and do a little scrapbooking but it's all packed in boxes. Isn't it kinda weird when you have the stuff availiable to you, you don't really have the desire to do it, but when it's gone you want to. Oh well, scrapbooking will have to wait till I unpack!
Have a good night! -Jen

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Couponing? ...

Ever heard of the show Extreme Couponing on TLC? Well I don't have cable so i've just recently caught a few episodes at my parents house and wow, it's crazy how much people save. I love how a lot of them give it away, but a part of me is concerned for the people who just want to have stock piles of groceries and that makes them feel good. Well, anyways, I think I want to try it. Maybe not the extreme, but I would like to save on my groceries a little more and I love love love free! So here it goes. I bought a paper with ads and coupons and i'm going to start cutting and planning!

Also I hope your having a Happy Fathers Day!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Going on a Puppy Search!

Hey there! Guess what?!?! I'm moving into a house! I am in apartment, but soon i'll rent a house which i'm super excited. And I can finally have a dog!!! So I'm looking into puppies. Here's the top 5 list of dogs breeds I like:
1. French Bulldog

2.) Yorkshire Terrior

3.) Maltese

4.) Pugs
5.) Mix Breeds.


The last picture is of my dog Mikey. He passed away last year. He was the best dog. He was a beagle, cocker spaniel, daschund mix. We got him at the local shelter and he was the perfect dog for my family. I will tell the story of him another time. But for now there is my current top 5 list. I actually like all dogs and I know the next dog i'll get soon will be a rescued dog from a shelter. I'm checking lots lately looking for thee right dog! I'll share progress too.
Thanks for reading!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Source 1 and 2
I want one...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Music Monday: Adele

Hi! I was actually thinking of doing a Summer playlist, but in the process of picking songs I came across of Adele and her new song. I do like Adele's style, her voice. I love the deep soul of it. Here's my favorites of hers:

Chasing Pavements was the first song i heard of hers and I instantly liked it.

I heard this song on the radio a few days ago and I love it. And it's true, you reap what you sow. There is some songs I like the actual song, but not lyrics to an extent. But she sounds like the great artists of the past.
Here's a little Q&A with her:

I think i'm going to listen to more Adele. :)
Later -Jen

I Love DIYs!

Good Morning! A DIY post will be coming soon, as soon as I gather stuff and make it. And I can't wait! I was at Menards yesterday getting primer for the one painted wall in the apartment and I came across tiles. Im not sure why I went over there, but I started to look and I love sales. I do want to decorate a bird bath with a mosaic so I guess I was getting ideas.. til I found plain white wall tiles at only 13 cents!!! I bought 4 (so far) and im going to try the coaster thing. I checked out a few diys online and it seems simple I just need some polyurethane and mod podge and some ideas on what to do. I was thinking of hand painting them or using paper or a picture. I think either will be awesome. So look for that within this weekend. Later today I will do a music post and probably tonight i'll do a little more blog designing and maybe another post.
See ya then!


Hello! The blog update is almost done, just added a few minor details. I'm so excited, I found a photo editing program that I love and can't wait to use with my pictures. Its through Picasa called Picnik. Picasa is a nice, simple program, perfect for beginners and those who can't yet buy photoshop! I'm always a big fan of free and picasa is free. I have used a Corell photo program and I did like that and will get it some day. And I've tried Gimp which I think is similar to Photoshop, but i'll stick to picasa for now. Anyways, all this to say I am officially going to be a photographer. It's my dream career! I'm  more into landscape photography, so I would be amazing just to travel around the world and get paid for just doing what I love, taking pictures! How cool would that be. I am working on a site (blog) for my photography business so I will link that here shortly, but if your interested to see what I do, all the logos, pictures, and the header(of mine) are my photography. I do have a  facebook page, you can check more over there!
Here's some of my work too:

Well I must be going now. I'll post more about my photography and the business another day!
Good Night. -Jen

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Good Sunday Morning!
I do have more to share a little later, but I just wanted to post a quick simple note taken from one of the songs i'm obsessed with "Take Heart" -Hillsong United, Aftermath.

"All our troubles, tears, failure, fear, heartache, pain, burdens, and shame- God our hope, love, healer, freedom, justice, grace, refuge, and strength, He is with us and He has overcome!"

Whatever your going through, I just want to let you know God has overcome it through His Son Jesus Christ. God is there for you. He will help you. There is always hope. He is everything you need to overcome too.
I would also like you to know, I'm not only here for crafting, finances, my favorite music, and whatnot; but i'm also here for you. So if there's anything you need prayer for or just to talk, please feel free to comment or leave me an email message:
Thats all for now.
I will be back later!


Long Long Blog Makeover and Movie

Hi again! The Blog update probably won't be done tonight. I'm getting quite tired and I have to (I mean I choose too) be up early for church in the morning! I'm still in the designing phase and am working on making it represent me and coordinate, so it may be officially done by the end of the week. I'll keep you posted :)
Also as you may know (or may not) I love Lucy, the actress and show. And I just got done watching Lucy and Desi's movie "Long, Long Trailer" and it is such a good movie! I love 1950's movies.

 It would be kinda fun to just travel the country in a trailer, but that is a long trailer. I think i'de rather travel by car or plane and stay at a hotel.


I love old movies. I think I need to rent Breakfast at Tiffany's again to entertain my while I pack.
Oh yeah, i'm moving at the end of the month. I currently rent an apartment, nice area, but i'm tired of living in an apartment. So God provided a house for rent! I'm so excited to actually have a little yard and experience a house before I end up buying one in the near future. And rent for the house is cheaper than the apartment! I'm stoked! I just need the motivation to pack. It's definitely not my favorite. Well i'm going to finish rewatching the Long, Long Trailor then call it a night.
Nite! -Jen

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Getting There.

The Blog design is coming along. I have to add a few more things, but it should be done later tonight! I have so much to do today such as the blog, my business, and packing.. oh and my job. Which I have to go now. Later!"

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Can't Stop...

Listening to Hillsong Uniteds newest cd: Aftermath. I don't own it yet, just been previewing it on youtube constantly. I soon will get it though. Love all these songs so far, I cant get over them. So I thought I would share my obsession, enjoy!

Night! -Jen

Friday, June 3, 2011

Financial Friday: Give

Hey guys! I think finances are so important, and I wish they were thought more in schools. Money management is such a needed skill that not many people know. So I just want to give some practical financial advice about once a week on friday! Here's my advice: Be a giver! A lot of people who are very successful practices this principle. The Bible says give and it will be given back. Luke 6:38 says "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” God isn't a respector of persons. If you apply His principles, you can get the results, Christians or non Christians. I do know God does favor people differently, but He honors His word reguardless. So that's my advice, be a giver. You can't out give God. Give to His work through your church, give to your community, give to those in need. Generosity will get you farther financially than not giving. So give!
Have a good night and think of ways to give this next week!