
Monday, June 27, 2011

Just Stopping by to say

hello there! Just got back from an awesome weekend at a concert festival. I'll post a few pictures soon. I'm actually about ready to call it a day, but I did want to stop in for a bit since I haven't updated in awhile. This week is going to be quick busy. My lease is up on the 30th so I have to be out of this apt. by then. I moved a bunch today, but still have like 50% to go. Tommorow I hope to get a lot more moving done. Also tommorow I plan on doing a post called "Women Who Rock" which will be based on my weekend at the festival and maybe later in the week i'll share my story with you so definitely check back later. And you know what isn't fun (among other things) about moving? I want to craft soooo bad. I really want to make the tile coasters and do a little scrapbooking but it's all packed in boxes. Isn't it kinda weird when you have the stuff availiable to you, you don't really have the desire to do it, but when it's gone you want to. Oh well, scrapbooking will have to wait till I unpack!
Have a good night! -Jen

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