
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Long Long Blog Makeover and Movie

Hi again! The Blog update probably won't be done tonight. I'm getting quite tired and I have to (I mean I choose too) be up early for church in the morning! I'm still in the designing phase and am working on making it represent me and coordinate, so it may be officially done by the end of the week. I'll keep you posted :)
Also as you may know (or may not) I love Lucy, the actress and show. And I just got done watching Lucy and Desi's movie "Long, Long Trailer" and it is such a good movie! I love 1950's movies.

 It would be kinda fun to just travel the country in a trailer, but that is a long trailer. I think i'de rather travel by car or plane and stay at a hotel.


I love old movies. I think I need to rent Breakfast at Tiffany's again to entertain my while I pack.
Oh yeah, i'm moving at the end of the month. I currently rent an apartment, nice area, but i'm tired of living in an apartment. So God provided a house for rent! I'm so excited to actually have a little yard and experience a house before I end up buying one in the near future. And rent for the house is cheaper than the apartment! I'm stoked! I just need the motivation to pack. It's definitely not my favorite. Well i'm going to finish rewatching the Long, Long Trailor then call it a night.
Nite! -Jen

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