
Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Naming things is hard and easy for me. Babies (not that i've named any personally, I just like coming up with names), groups (like prayer groups, or church groups), pets (my last pet's name was Nolan Rutherford Alexander. He was a betta fish!), and colors ( I like to try to come up with better names than what things are named, for example- I work in a craft store, with scrapbook paper, so sometimes I rename the cardstock colors (ok now i'm starting to sound weird.. but it's true, also with crayons :) ) -those are easy for me. Business and blog names are harder for me. Blogs, depending on what the blog is about. But a business blog... i'm stuck. Why is it so hard. But I'de rather put time into this one because my last names I thought of and tried didn't work for me. By the way, one of my new baby names I like is Paisley.. though i don't think I would name my child that, but maybe a pet or a business with something else. I also like the name Jane, but as a middle name like Evelyn Jane. Maybe I should start a Baby names blog... I think, though is pretty good. I just like pairing names I guess. Anywhoo... so this is why it's taking me a while to introduce (and start) the new blog/business venture. Also, i've been kinda dealing with health issues in my family that has taken a lot of my time. But family is most important. So that's why i've been away a bit. Hopefully progress will be made and a new blog and business will be made in April ( my favorite month, also my birth month!).
Well, I guess that's all for now.

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