
Friday, March 23, 2012

New Design and Financial Friday Tip

Hey there! I'm just up late working on a new blog design. Which means, i'm keeping up with this one (and only)! I think it would be best, plus i've been this far with it! My goal is to have a fresh new look by Sunday evening. I'm so exciting designing it, I really can't wait to try it out. And since it is Friday, I want to keep up with Financial -Fridays feature. I didn't plan out anything, but I do have a tip: Start an Emergency fund. You should have saved up 3-6 months living expenses, an extra $1,000, and whatever else you want to put in there. It's good to have money set aside just in case something does happen from an unexpected job loss to a household repair to car repairs. This is probably one of the first things you start saving up for and building. Well, that's all I have for tonight. Look for a new blog design soon and more financial tips. And I promise to have a more in dept better blog post for this feature in the future :)
See ya later!

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