
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Financially Brilliant Friday

Since I do enjoy finances and learning more about it, I thought it would be good to do a financial feature. I am not a financial expert or anything, but I know a little bit, and wouldn't mind sharing what I learned!
So this is just a brief intro to the feature. I think currently the most important advice I can give and is good for any age is start saving early. The earlier the better. I had a job since I was 16 and I didn't save anything from it. I definitely learned from it, but also regret it too. But it's ok. Saving can start anytime really. The rule is you should have 3-6 months living expenses saved up and don't touch it. This would be your emergency fund. It's also good to start saving for retirement too. And also for major life purchases like a house. I am looking to a house currently. My goal is June. Which means I have to save over $4,000+++ for closing cost/ down payment. Not a lot of time, but i'm believing I can do it. So start saving early!
That's my financial 2 cents!

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