
Monday, February 21, 2011

Music Monday: Misty Edwards

Hey guys! So this week'ss music monday is featuring an amazing artist who leads worship at IHOP-KC.
Misty Edwards. To be honest, I didn't really like listening to IHOP music, mostly because it was repetative. But after reading psalm 13, I searched on youtube for worship songs and I came across her. Oh my goodness, now I can't stop listening.
The first song I heard from Always on My Mind

 All of her songs are written so beautifully, and powerful. I can't stop listening and it gets stuck in my head, which is actually a good thing. I haven't felt more connected to God. I love it.

This song is a amazing as well. I definitely recommend, if you haven't, to check her and IHOP-KC out!
Well, that's all I have to share today. I think i'm going to listen to Misty Edwards before bed tonight.
Good Night!

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