
Monday, February 7, 2011

Music Monday: Switchfoot

One of my current favorite bands is Switchfoot. And I am totally in love with their newest album: Hello Hurricane.

There really isn't too much to say except that they are a pretty cool band. They are well known, so I won't go into too much detail about them, totally check out their website or facebook if you want to know more about them though. But I will tell you what I like. One of my favorite songs is "Dare You to Move" from Beautiful Letdown. It's quite compelling song that makes you want to do something, move on your dreams, out of bad things and sins, and live. Another favorite is "Your Love is A Song" from Hello Hurricane. It's an incredible song about how God is everywhere and in everything.
I also really dig Jon Foreman's solo projects as well. His Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter EPs are brilliant.
Here is a playlist sampling of Switchfoot and Jon Forman.

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Happy Monday!

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