
Monday, June 13, 2011

I Love DIYs!

Good Morning! A DIY post will be coming soon, as soon as I gather stuff and make it. And I can't wait! I was at Menards yesterday getting primer for the one painted wall in the apartment and I came across tiles. Im not sure why I went over there, but I started to look and I love sales. I do want to decorate a bird bath with a mosaic so I guess I was getting ideas.. til I found plain white wall tiles at only 13 cents!!! I bought 4 (so far) and im going to try the coaster thing. I checked out a few diys online and it seems simple I just need some polyurethane and mod podge and some ideas on what to do. I was thinking of hand painting them or using paper or a picture. I think either will be awesome. So look for that within this weekend. Later today I will do a music post and probably tonight i'll do a little more blog designing and maybe another post.
See ya then!

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