
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

About Me part 1

Hello there! Hope you all are having a lovely start to the week! This past saturday I went to a paint your own pottery shop. Got there aty 10:30p.m and stayed till 2a.m. It was a late fun night! I'll post pics as soon as the piece gets done. I'm so excited to see the turn out! I painted a gnome. I've been wanting one for my yard since I finally have one! Any ways I wanted to do a fun post about me to so you can get to know me a little \better! So here's 10 out of 20 things about me:

1.) my favorite. I don't do it often, but I love reading about projects seeing other people projects, and thinking of things to do. A current one I want to do is make a spice rack and an outdoor couch using pallets found Here.
2.) I'm actually quite shy. But i'm trying to over come it and I think blogging helps.
3.) I'm also quiet. I tend to keep to myself. I'm also an introvert.
4.) I love office supplies. Back to School season is my favorite season and time of year. I love cheap office supplies!
5.) I am also addicted to The Office. Season 5 I believe is my favorite. and I don't have a favorite character, they all have their funny moments.
6.) I love to sew.
7.) I know a lot of scrapbooking, it's actually my job, but I am more than a collector than a doer.
8.) Cotton Candy is my favorite candy
9.) I'm currently addicted to McDonalds caramel frappes
10.) I don't like coffee.

So there's my first 10. If you want to know anything about me feel free to ask :)
Have a lovely night!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Financial Friday: Invest Continued

Hey guys! I'm back with more. In the previous post the last thing I talked about was investing in yourself. That is super important because you are important. I'll get to the book list later. But there are tons of ways of investing in yourself. One i'm thinking of doing is an e-course that Elsie of A Beautiful Mess posted called D.I.Y. Dress up. It sounds like a lot of fun, and would be good to learn more about sewing. I've also been wanting to try to make my own clothes, how cool would that be. Also invest in others (this may not be totally a financial thing, but a good thing). Be encouraging, see potential in everyone, maybe sponsor a kid or teen to go to camp or a missions trip or a student for classes. I think the classic rule applies: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Investing in someone is probably one of the best feeling things to do. Well thats all I have for tonight. Have a good night and weekend!!!

Financial Fridays- Invest

Hey! Writing this alittle earlier than normal, but I have a little time before work. Todays Financial advice is about investing. I actually don't know much about the stock market, but it is a great place to invest just definitely get advice from someone who knows about the market. Some great websites though are -Charles Schwab, and . I only checked out both just by looking through their sites, but it definitely is a good start. Once again if you're new to investing and want to please please get advice from someone who knows about stocks.
Another way to invest is start a business. I'm currently in this process and it can get you great results. Not only financially but meeting new friends, and grow yourself personally. I will blog more about my person experience starting a business and more tips from that. But even an etsy shop or ebay or local via craft shows etc.
Not only do you want to invest finanically but also invest into yourself through books, cds, seminars. I took a financial class and it changed my life and benefited me more than I could ever do on my own. I will continue this post later today, because it's time for me to get going. But I will add some good books to start off with and alittle more advice!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Oh, Ikea..

Went to Ikea today. Oh my goodness I think I like Ikea way too much. I had a budget and did pretty well at sticking to it. Now I have to save up more money for a couch I like but don't need right now, but in the future maybe, and a dresser. I actually found the dresser on craigslist and replied and waiting, but i'll keep checking craigslist. I love Ikea. It's so inspiring, I love to look at all the showrooms and get ideas for my own house. Which I can't wait to have a home that is completely mine, not a rental, but one I own either on my own or with my future husband (which i'm still contently waiting for him to find me by God's perfect timing... I hope he's cool with Tommorow after church i'm going to go to the home improvement store to get some wood to make my own hooks. I bought 6 knobs at Ikea for $1.99 and i'm going to attach them to wood to make hooks to hang my purses because I have no idea what to do with them. They are still currently in the moving box. I also want to make my own spice rack (kinda sounds like a highschool woodshop project, I never took woodshop or any creative electives in highschool, I don't regret it, but I would probably change that if I could.). I don't a spice rack or something that would be suiteable and instead of buying one, i'm pretty sure I can make one. We will see. I need to collect more paint chips too. I bought some bedding and the my bed colors are tan, dark brown, and dark purple. I want to figure out some accent colors so I can make coordinating fun pillows and maybe eventually get some fun sheets.
So a busy day tommorow! I may go to the craft store. I sketched out some ideas on the ride to Ikea and drew nothing but feathers. So I think I want to experiment with feathers and design a purse and totebag with a feather either hand painted on it or something. I'm just feeling like I need to craft soon. It's hard to while involved in the whole moving/unpacking process. So i'll clear away a space and make something pretty tommorow just to get me through lol. Well it's been a long and fun day and i'm tired. Have a good night and later! -Jen

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I Like Boys who Love Jesus

I also like C28. It has some really cool clothing and other things. I find that most christian shirts aren't really cool. Some are more funny and more of a "hey that's catchy or cute or cool" but not really fashionable. C28 has some fun yet fashionable shirts and other things. So far I bought an over night bag that has doodle scriptures and a ring that had "diamonds" around half and proverbs 3:5 verse around the rest, but I lost it :( I still have hope of finding it, but I may just buy a new one.
This is one of my new favorite tshirts. Maybe i'll come up with a list of things I like from there in a later post.
Now to check out etsy, i'm kinda in search for a bow ring. I think I like them or the idea of it.
Night! -Jen

Sunday, July 10, 2011

2nd Vintage Purchase!

Back and here's what I bought. I went to a local antiques store and they were having a flea market outside. It was very cool, but I didn't really see anything and it was hot out so I went inside and checked out what i've been thinking about getting and checked in there previously 3 times to see if they still had it and they did. I took a lot of time thinking about the price and if I really wanted it. Well today it was 20% off, so I decided to get it. I love saving money. And I love vintage glass. Depression and milk glass are my favorites. I'm not entire sure what this is or what year it is, but I like and i've never seen anything like it, especially now a days. I can't wait to use it!

I think it's super pretty. I would like to know more about it. I think i'm going to do a little research on vintage glass. And think of what to use it for.
Night! -Jen

Just Lovely...

Hey! Hope you all are enjoying this lovely and hot (atleast here, 92, thank God for a/c at the home) Sunday. I'll be sharing more later tonight, but I wanted to share that I bought my second vintage purchase!!! My first was a 1970s (?.. or around there) suitcase. My second I bought today is a piece that i've been watching for quite awhile and thinking about... it was love at first sight. It's a glass bowl. I'll post a pic and more tonight, but now I have to get ready for a BBQ at the park!
Have a lovely Sunday evening!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Good Morning! I've signed up for bloglovin, so you can totally follow me there too! That's all for now!
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Keep Quiet

Hi again. So i've been thinking lately about the things that are going on all around us. Recently in Grand Rapids, MI 7 were killed and the killer killed him self after it all. I don't know the whole story, I don't even know the background. I am praying for the families of the victims. It's so sad. It did get me thinking though, and not just about this case, everything, i'm thinking about their stories, their past, their present. If they knew about what I know and how it's radically changed my life, would their futures be different? Would their circumstances? Jesus has made a huge difference in my life. He's changed me for the best. If I didn't hear about Jesus, to be honest I probably would have depression, low self esteem, and be a self injurer. But thank God I was raised in a church and God was actived in every aspect of my life. Yeah there was low points. Growing up, mostly in late elementary school and middle school I remember not liking the way I looked at one point. I've had the thoughts that i'de rather die than deal with whatever was going on at the time. Once I truely got a hold of what God said through His word and and what it said about me, how I felt about myself became what God feels about me. And its amazing how He changed my life. Because of Him i'm beautiful, i'm brave, I have this amazing joy inside of me, I have love for others and things that I wouldn't if it didn't come from God. Who I am today is because of Him.
And knowing He did this for me, He can change others lives.

I feel like, for me (and other believers) we need to share our faith more. People need Jesus, they are ready to listen. All they need is someone to be bold enough to stand up and show them God, be like Jesus, love them. There's a song i've been listening to lately that I feel relates. It's called "Keep Quiet" by BarlowGirl.   

I can relate to this so much. I'm the quiet type, but I was really shy. I tend to hold things back, not share. And it's especially hard to talk to people I don't know, especially about my faith. But I need to more. I need to share what God has done and what He can do for them. There is so much hope in Jesus. More people need to know that. And i'm looking forward to sharing. I just feel like we need to share more. Speak up, don't keep quiet. You could be the difference in someone's life and future. God through you can change someones life. Don't be afraid, take courage. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.(Philippians 4:13). 

I'll probably be sharing more about this later. As for now, that's what's on my heart.
Thanks for reading. God Bless.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Good to Be Back!

I finally got the internet at the new place which means watching catching up on the latest Project Runway on Hulu, getting back into my amway business, and my photography, and keep up to date with the blog, along with searching for stuff on etsy and new crafts! So excited!
Well I will have a few craft diys coming up with in this month, one is the coasters I mentioned earlier and the other is candles! I bought a candle making kit at Hobby Lobby today and i'm super excited to try it. I've been wanting to get it for awhile because I plan on making candles as a I gift. I think i'm sensing a new addiction coming on! Well, gotta get some house work done, but i'll be back late tonight with a kinda different post than my usuall!
Later, -Jen

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

Hello everyone! I'm still working on getting the internet up and running, so i'm at the parents house using theirs! We're going to be going to see some fireworks tonight and a parade tonight. I like this Holiday because there's unity and fun. Everyone has cookouts, get togethers, games, and just enjoy being in this great country. Freedom isn't free, so thanks to the men and women who served and are serving in the armed forces for us. It's because of them we can celebrate!

Also, as you may know i'm a photographer and I entered a photo contest! It's through the local news here, but I you would like to help me, all you have to do is get on facebook, 'like' FOX 47 News, then 'Like' my picture which is in the album "Snap into Summer Week 4" i'm number 96 of 200 in the first album. I'll post the links below, but it would be a great help. Also if you want too I have a photography page on facebook too. I'll link it on the sidebar. Feel free to check out my photography!

Have a great 4th of July! And if you're not from the U.S. have a great day and enjoy your day of Independence as a country! I know Cananda's was July 1st, but i'm not sure of others, so have fun celebrating where you live, who you are, and be thankful for both everyday!

My photo contest Picture