
Friday, July 22, 2011

Financial Friday: Invest Continued

Hey guys! I'm back with more. In the previous post the last thing I talked about was investing in yourself. That is super important because you are important. I'll get to the book list later. But there are tons of ways of investing in yourself. One i'm thinking of doing is an e-course that Elsie of A Beautiful Mess posted called D.I.Y. Dress up. It sounds like a lot of fun, and would be good to learn more about sewing. I've also been wanting to try to make my own clothes, how cool would that be. Also invest in others (this may not be totally a financial thing, but a good thing). Be encouraging, see potential in everyone, maybe sponsor a kid or teen to go to camp or a missions trip or a student for classes. I think the classic rule applies: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Investing in someone is probably one of the best feeling things to do. Well thats all I have for tonight. Have a good night and weekend!!!

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