
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Oh, Ikea..

Went to Ikea today. Oh my goodness I think I like Ikea way too much. I had a budget and did pretty well at sticking to it. Now I have to save up more money for a couch I like but don't need right now, but in the future maybe, and a dresser. I actually found the dresser on craigslist and replied and waiting, but i'll keep checking craigslist. I love Ikea. It's so inspiring, I love to look at all the showrooms and get ideas for my own house. Which I can't wait to have a home that is completely mine, not a rental, but one I own either on my own or with my future husband (which i'm still contently waiting for him to find me by God's perfect timing... I hope he's cool with Tommorow after church i'm going to go to the home improvement store to get some wood to make my own hooks. I bought 6 knobs at Ikea for $1.99 and i'm going to attach them to wood to make hooks to hang my purses because I have no idea what to do with them. They are still currently in the moving box. I also want to make my own spice rack (kinda sounds like a highschool woodshop project, I never took woodshop or any creative electives in highschool, I don't regret it, but I would probably change that if I could.). I don't a spice rack or something that would be suiteable and instead of buying one, i'm pretty sure I can make one. We will see. I need to collect more paint chips too. I bought some bedding and the my bed colors are tan, dark brown, and dark purple. I want to figure out some accent colors so I can make coordinating fun pillows and maybe eventually get some fun sheets.
So a busy day tommorow! I may go to the craft store. I sketched out some ideas on the ride to Ikea and drew nothing but feathers. So I think I want to experiment with feathers and design a purse and totebag with a feather either hand painted on it or something. I'm just feeling like I need to craft soon. It's hard to while involved in the whole moving/unpacking process. So i'll clear away a space and make something pretty tommorow just to get me through lol. Well it's been a long and fun day and i'm tired. Have a good night and later! -Jen

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