
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

About Me part 1

Hello there! Hope you all are having a lovely start to the week! This past saturday I went to a paint your own pottery shop. Got there aty 10:30p.m and stayed till 2a.m. It was a late fun night! I'll post pics as soon as the piece gets done. I'm so excited to see the turn out! I painted a gnome. I've been wanting one for my yard since I finally have one! Any ways I wanted to do a fun post about me to so you can get to know me a little \better! So here's 10 out of 20 things about me:

1.) my favorite. I don't do it often, but I love reading about projects seeing other people projects, and thinking of things to do. A current one I want to do is make a spice rack and an outdoor couch using pallets found Here.
2.) I'm actually quite shy. But i'm trying to over come it and I think blogging helps.
3.) I'm also quiet. I tend to keep to myself. I'm also an introvert.
4.) I love office supplies. Back to School season is my favorite season and time of year. I love cheap office supplies!
5.) I am also addicted to The Office. Season 5 I believe is my favorite. and I don't have a favorite character, they all have their funny moments.
6.) I love to sew.
7.) I know a lot of scrapbooking, it's actually my job, but I am more than a collector than a doer.
8.) Cotton Candy is my favorite candy
9.) I'm currently addicted to McDonalds caramel frappes
10.) I don't like coffee.

So there's my first 10. If you want to know anything about me feel free to ask :)
Have a lovely night!

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