
Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Hello! Hope you all had a great Christmas! I did. I got a corelle dish set that i've been wanting for a while, money for an office chair (I think I found one at! Just have to go to Ikea to check it out), a bow ring, a tool bag, and Beckah Shae's cd Destiny!!! What are some presents you got?
After Christmas I like to think about the coming year. I feel like 2012 will be a year of God's favor and blessing, a year of answered prayers and dreams and desires being filled. So I'm starting to write down goals and things I want in 2012. And I have big expectations! I'll post more about them, when I come up with more than 3. I do know I want to do way more photography, way more d.i.y. and craft projects, and start my etsy business. I'm so excited for next year! I'll be back with some goals later in the week, also news of a new project!
Later, -Jen

Monday, December 12, 2011

Something New!

Hello. My name is Jen, and I am a craft hoarder... well, kinda :)   I do have a nice collection of stuff, which I will make into something someday. And I realized my problem even more so when I found I have 9+ pairs of scissors. But they all have different functions, well a few. Ok, ok it's not that bad. It's organized and has it's very own room that you can walk through, and it's animal free!!! Haha. In other news, i'm opening an Etsy shop in January, officially! So I can put to good use my craft things! I set up a factory in my living room instead of the craft room because living room has a tv and crafting and watching go well together. I'll have some aprons, bags, jewelry, photography, and canvases listed and maybe a few other things. I'm also excited to be making some Christmas gifts this year too! Well I thought I would stop by with that news. Gotta get back to the factory!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

So this is Christmas... Soon!

I love Christmas. It's the best season! Right now i'm watching "She's Crafty" a Canadian hgtv show, holiday edition. Love this show, so many good ideas. I can't help to make all the projects. I'm also starting to decorate the Christmas tree, and then I got an idea for diy ornaments, if they turn out I will post about it. I got the idea to use pictures, so i'm looking up the Beatles. And came across this photo:

The Beatles having a picnic in the winter.
Here's a few more Christmas/winter related:



I love pictures of the Beatles. Well, I better get back to my Christmas decorating!
Have a good night!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Can't Sleep...  i'm listening to Collective Soul on youtube and thinking about business ideas. I think I may open my etsy shop this weekend. It's been a long time coming and a dream of mine to run a business and what a great place to start. I need to get cracking on making things though. I have one necklace so far, photography prints, and lots of ideas. With Christmas coming I really want to make a lot of Christmas gifts, but i'm not sure what or how and I really love the idea of supporting handmade, so next year i'm going to try to do 100% handmade shopping. Maybe that will be one of my new years resolutions. I also have to start thinking of a name for my shop. It probably should be relatable to my blog and brand. I'm actually getting really excited about this whole thing! I definitively think I was meant to do this. Well I better get to bed, 5:30 wont be too pleasant if i don't.
 Also I didn't know Collective Soul sang this-

Well, goodnight.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Just, Me

Hello there! I'm kind of thinking things over. I think as far as my blog, I need to be more of who I am, and not try to (loosely) be like others. So what does that mean? It just means, my blog will just be filled with stuff I love (diys, recipes, inspiration, music, Jesus, fashion, photography, goals, dreams, random things, etc). I find that if I don't do what I love it won't mean anything or wont be as good. I'm not saying that the things I've written in the past aren't things I have loved doing, they are. I just don't want to compare my blog to anyone elses and blog similarly to theirs (and not saying I may not have a similar style or post sometimes). I just want to be original, unique, and me. And I think everyone should too. Be you, do what you love to do, be who you were made to be. You are unique and special and loved. Don't be like someone else, just be you!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

DIY- Chips (Pita or Tortilla)

Just stopping by for a quick recipe. I love diy everything, so cooking is included. I saw how to make pita chips on tv this morning, it's super easy. Just brush on olive oil on the front and back of the pita, cut in little triangles, and sprinkle with salt, and bake! I don't have pitas so i used flour tortillas and also out of olive oil so I used a little butter on the top. I sprinkled the first batch with a tomato basil seasoning mix, the next i'm trying bbq seasoning. The last I will try a sweet version of cinnamon and sugar. I baked mine at 350 degrees for 10 mins and they turned out very good. Can't wait to actually get pitas to make pita chips. I love new recipes!

Monday, November 28, 2011

I love Crafting!

I've had kind of a uncrafty few weeks. I miss crafting. I bought some mini canvas recently and I love them. They are perfect and cute and great for little simple paintings! Right now i'm working on some simple craft theme paintings. The camera one is kinda inspiring me to paint a bigger canvas full of all cameras.
This is a just for fun project, but i'm thinking they would also make cute little gifts!
I love the Christmas season! I totally want to make a lot of handmade things for this holiday, i'm excited!
I think I will look at pinterest for ideas. Have a lovely week!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Financial (Early) Friday- Black Friday Addition

Hey guys, what's up? It's only days away... Black Friday! And you know what that means, crazy awesome sales and for the retail working people- craziness in general. I know it's alittle early for Financial Friday, but since I do work retail and will be working that day I probably won't have too much time to blog about it. So early is ok. I'm not going to give you hints about where to shop, what the best deals are, etc. There are lots of other sites that may have the ads early, so i'll leave it at that. Also you can probably check out the Krazy Coupon Lady  for good deals and what not.
Here's my tips for a successful, fun, and money saving black friday:
1.) Plan it out- Check out the ads ahead of time, make lists, and get a game play for the big day. Scheduling can make a big difference. But if you get off your schedule, don't worry just reroute, re-plan, and relax and have fun!
2.) Buddy System- Don't go shopping alone. Having someone with you makes it fun and you can help each other out in getting the items you want.
3.) Eat- Eat before hand, or take a snack with you. Also take a lunch, (or breakfast) break.
4.) Be Nice- Don't leave you're morals and kindness at the door. It's a busy day for everyone, so be nice to the employees, be kind to others around you, and have understanding, patience, and selflessness.
5.) Be Thankful... Always- Despite the circumstance of the day, good or bad, be thankful. Coming off of a holiday of thankfulness, remember the true reasons why you are out there- whether for fun, to get gifts for a lot cheaper, or get something for yourself for a great deal- be thankful for what you do have, for the deal you did get, and the fun you have. If it isn't fun, there is still so much to be thankful for. Thanksgiving isn't the only day for thankfulness, everyday is!
6.) Think Safety- Unfortunately we live in a world where people aren't nice. Keep your purse on you at all times, never ever leave it unattended in a cart. I highly recommend a cross body style. Also look out for others. People shouldn't get physically hurt shopping. I know a lot of stores have improve the way things run, but still no need to overly rush and knock down people or cut people off or whatnot. Be nice. (Also this applies to driving too, it's going to be busy, be careful driving.)
7.) Budget- Plan how much you want to spend and fit it into your current budget. Don't just spend money to spend, stick with a plan. No need to go into debt over a t.v. that is ridiculously cheap.
8.) Stick with a List- Just because it's a good deal doesn't mean you need it. Many times i've bought things that were super cheap, but I didn't need it, or didn't eat it, or didn't even want it. Stick to your list and don't stray from it. It doesn't mean however you can't get want you may want that isn't listed. Use good judgement. And worse case, most places have pretty good return policies, just keep your receipts.
9.) Dress- Wear comfortable and warm clothes. Layers are good too. Chances are you will be standing outside quite a bit, so bring gloves and a scarf. And a hot beverage wouldn't hurt either.
10.) Take Heart- Don't be disappointed if the item you want is sold out, or you  didn't get too much on your list. There are a lot of other sales and coupons and Meijer will probably have their Santa Bucks soon. Plus you are brilliant and smart- you will totally find something even better, maybe even a better sale. And there is cyber monday! I actually don't know too much about cyber monday, nor have participated, but there is probably websites for those deals as well, and you can stay in your warm house in your pjs or comfy clothes  for that!

So that's my list of what I think are good tips for Black Friday! Stay safe, have fun, save money, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Before I Die....

Hey! Since I last posted I was having a dream identity crisis. Well glad to say crisis adverted. But I did discover I have business a.d.d. So i'm going to be spending some time thinking, planing, praying, and maybe in a week or two I will know what to pursue!
I am currently working on restyling an ottoman, but it will take some time so I will post the entire project soon. I can't wait to work on it more! I guess that's it for minor updates. I read a blog post about a wall with a title 'Before I die_______' and I thought I would do a small post about it. You can read more on Leigh-Ann's blog Freckled Nest.
Before I die:
-I want to be found by the one and get married.
-Have kids
-Own a successful business
-Retire before i'm 50
-Buy a house
-Quit my job
-Go on a date
-Get a puppy
-Own a house on the beach
-Be content with who I am
-Be all who God called and created me to be.
-Keep things Simple.
-Make a bucket list.
There's a lot more, but that's a few for now. Happy Wednesday.
P.S. Does anyone watch Survivor? This is my second season that i've watched so far. And I haven't missed an episode til tonight. And I heard sad news- Ozzy was voted out :(   There is alway redemption though. Can't wait to watch it online tomorrow. Very thankful for internet tv!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dream Identity Crisis

Hi! Unless you're from Arizona, you get an extra hour today! I'm kinda excited about this. I love falling back. Except for the longer nights. I'm not a big fan of it getting dark at 6p.m. I've been thinking about things lately in regards to what I want to do, career/business/life wise. I'm not liking the whole retail job thing, especially working for someone else. I really want to be self employed. That is ultimately my goal. And I want to pursue it. But im not sure how.
I know when I was little the "what do you want to be when you grow up" question changed, but years between. I remember wanting to be a cartoonist. I loved to draw (still do). Then I wanted to be an elementary teacher. Still kinda do, but i'm not passionate about it. A business owner did cross my mind. I wanted to be a brain surgeon, if knives or bones were not involved (I don't like knives and I don't like bones. I do use knives, and I do like that I have bones, but I just don't want to see them outside of where they are suppose to be). I also joked about becoming a wrestler (i'm a wimp in reality) so I can get into the government to be president. Yeah, definitively don't want to do that. :) . As of current, I do want to own a business. Started photography. But I feel like everyone is doing photography. I feel like I can't compete or be special in it. I'm probably wrong.  I do like photography still. I also like crafting and making things. I got a DBA and opened a business bank account and Etsy. I just don't know where I fit in in this crafty, diy, photography, hobby as business, etc industry.
I have so many likes and wants and ideas, but i'm not sure what to pursue. I want to make a second income and I know it's possible for it to become my main to only income, but I just am unsure where to start. I think I have business a.d.d. Maybe I just need/want to be the kinda like the next Martha Stewart. But with focus on photography, crafting, and decorating. That would be fun. I'm also thinking of opening a cupcake shop. But i'm not totally sure of that either.
If you're in the same boat, it's ok to be undecided. Just be true to yourself. Figure out what you love, your gifts, and find out from others what your good at. Then maybe it will click on what you should do. I'm praying for my moment of knowing without a doubt what i'm suppose to do.
Well thanks for listening. And sorry for the lack of pictures and d.i.y. postings. I'm cleaning the house and my craft room and can't craft till I get that done. But I did buy some cool stamping stuff at walmart in thier halloween stuff for only 24cents!!! Lots of ink pads and glitter and a fall stamp. I miss crafting. And I have a future ottoman restyle project too. I will definitely take lots of pics of that and post about it too. So look forward so some crafty stuff soon.
Thanks again. Enjoy your extra hour.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Hey guys and gals! So guess what!?! I think i've mentioned that I want to try extreme couponing, well I haven't done extreme, but just regular couponing and i've so far saved $21! And I am planning to further my saving for a house, put all my coupon and savings into my savings account. Saving money is really so much fun. I know this is kind a late (or early) financial friday post. I was so excited about the savings. Here's a few tips. 1.) If you have a Meijer store near you, (check out get mperks. and 2.) check out! It's a great resource for couponing and it's where I learned the most. It's simple and she post deals every day. Some of these are more local to the mid Michigan area, but there are a few other couponing sites like the krazy coupon lady site and more. Just remember everything saved, even cents are good! I love saving money!
Happy Saving!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Since I've Been Gone

Hey, sorry i've been gone for so long. I still have yet to make that diy baggie ice cream from the last post. Well to explain my absence: I went camping! But only for a week, think I'll consider the entirety of August and blog vacation. Not that I needed it, I just didn't have time and couldnt really think of anything to post. It is nice to take a break some times too, even from things you love. I may be doing a craft show in Oct. It would be my first one. It's free which is amazing (donations are taken for the towns food bank, so its a good cause too). I'm still working on making stuff. So far all I have a table. So if I don't get enough of an inventory, i'll just post what I made on etsy, which will give me an excuse to finally have an etsy shop! If you have any advice for a first time craftshow vendor, I would gladly recieve it! I'm so excited and nervous at the same time, and quite stressed I won't get everything done. I'm focusing on scrapbooking. It's easy for me and I have all the supplies (i'm a collector more than a doer :/ ). I'm just kinda stuck in a creative and productive rut. It's not fun. Hopefully i'll snap out of it by tommorow.
So I guess thats all for now. Just wanted to stop in. I will start to update this blog a little add some pages and other fun stuff. Have a happy Sept. 1st!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

D.I.Y Inspiration

Hello guys!
I love this time of year: back to school!!! I'm not longer in school, but i'm totally addicted to school supplies. And for running a business, this is a great time to get some things for a good deal. So far I got a ruler, notecards, highlighters, and crayons for a penny (!), watercolor paint (just for fun), push pins, and binder clips for $1.00, and erasers for $0.20. I really do love this time of year. Well, tonight I decided to paint with the watercolors, so I looked up inspiration online. And actually found a few more crafts that I just have to share and make!

1.) D.I.Y Ice cream using a baggie!

From 2 Little Hooligans

Hula Hoop Rug
From Family Fun

and 3.) Popsicle Stick Bracelet D.I.Y

From Suzy's Artsy-Craftys Sitcom

There is a lot more fun stuff out there. It's definitely worth checking out new blogs! I actually found all of these fun D.I.Y from The Craft Crow which is mostly kids crafts, but some are good for adults too. It's fun to be a kid sometimes. And these are great to do with kids as well.
There's are tons of ideas on all these blogs, I definitely recommend checking out of them!

Happy Crafting!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

About Me part 1

Hello there! Hope you all are having a lovely start to the week! This past saturday I went to a paint your own pottery shop. Got there aty 10:30p.m and stayed till 2a.m. It was a late fun night! I'll post pics as soon as the piece gets done. I'm so excited to see the turn out! I painted a gnome. I've been wanting one for my yard since I finally have one! Any ways I wanted to do a fun post about me to so you can get to know me a little \better! So here's 10 out of 20 things about me:

1.) my favorite. I don't do it often, but I love reading about projects seeing other people projects, and thinking of things to do. A current one I want to do is make a spice rack and an outdoor couch using pallets found Here.
2.) I'm actually quite shy. But i'm trying to over come it and I think blogging helps.
3.) I'm also quiet. I tend to keep to myself. I'm also an introvert.
4.) I love office supplies. Back to School season is my favorite season and time of year. I love cheap office supplies!
5.) I am also addicted to The Office. Season 5 I believe is my favorite. and I don't have a favorite character, they all have their funny moments.
6.) I love to sew.
7.) I know a lot of scrapbooking, it's actually my job, but I am more than a collector than a doer.
8.) Cotton Candy is my favorite candy
9.) I'm currently addicted to McDonalds caramel frappes
10.) I don't like coffee.

So there's my first 10. If you want to know anything about me feel free to ask :)
Have a lovely night!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Financial Friday: Invest Continued

Hey guys! I'm back with more. In the previous post the last thing I talked about was investing in yourself. That is super important because you are important. I'll get to the book list later. But there are tons of ways of investing in yourself. One i'm thinking of doing is an e-course that Elsie of A Beautiful Mess posted called D.I.Y. Dress up. It sounds like a lot of fun, and would be good to learn more about sewing. I've also been wanting to try to make my own clothes, how cool would that be. Also invest in others (this may not be totally a financial thing, but a good thing). Be encouraging, see potential in everyone, maybe sponsor a kid or teen to go to camp or a missions trip or a student for classes. I think the classic rule applies: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Investing in someone is probably one of the best feeling things to do. Well thats all I have for tonight. Have a good night and weekend!!!

Financial Fridays- Invest

Hey! Writing this alittle earlier than normal, but I have a little time before work. Todays Financial advice is about investing. I actually don't know much about the stock market, but it is a great place to invest just definitely get advice from someone who knows about the market. Some great websites though are -Charles Schwab, and . I only checked out both just by looking through their sites, but it definitely is a good start. Once again if you're new to investing and want to please please get advice from someone who knows about stocks.
Another way to invest is start a business. I'm currently in this process and it can get you great results. Not only financially but meeting new friends, and grow yourself personally. I will blog more about my person experience starting a business and more tips from that. But even an etsy shop or ebay or local via craft shows etc.
Not only do you want to invest finanically but also invest into yourself through books, cds, seminars. I took a financial class and it changed my life and benefited me more than I could ever do on my own. I will continue this post later today, because it's time for me to get going. But I will add some good books to start off with and alittle more advice!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Oh, Ikea..

Went to Ikea today. Oh my goodness I think I like Ikea way too much. I had a budget and did pretty well at sticking to it. Now I have to save up more money for a couch I like but don't need right now, but in the future maybe, and a dresser. I actually found the dresser on craigslist and replied and waiting, but i'll keep checking craigslist. I love Ikea. It's so inspiring, I love to look at all the showrooms and get ideas for my own house. Which I can't wait to have a home that is completely mine, not a rental, but one I own either on my own or with my future husband (which i'm still contently waiting for him to find me by God's perfect timing... I hope he's cool with Tommorow after church i'm going to go to the home improvement store to get some wood to make my own hooks. I bought 6 knobs at Ikea for $1.99 and i'm going to attach them to wood to make hooks to hang my purses because I have no idea what to do with them. They are still currently in the moving box. I also want to make my own spice rack (kinda sounds like a highschool woodshop project, I never took woodshop or any creative electives in highschool, I don't regret it, but I would probably change that if I could.). I don't a spice rack or something that would be suiteable and instead of buying one, i'm pretty sure I can make one. We will see. I need to collect more paint chips too. I bought some bedding and the my bed colors are tan, dark brown, and dark purple. I want to figure out some accent colors so I can make coordinating fun pillows and maybe eventually get some fun sheets.
So a busy day tommorow! I may go to the craft store. I sketched out some ideas on the ride to Ikea and drew nothing but feathers. So I think I want to experiment with feathers and design a purse and totebag with a feather either hand painted on it or something. I'm just feeling like I need to craft soon. It's hard to while involved in the whole moving/unpacking process. So i'll clear away a space and make something pretty tommorow just to get me through lol. Well it's been a long and fun day and i'm tired. Have a good night and later! -Jen

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I Like Boys who Love Jesus

I also like C28. It has some really cool clothing and other things. I find that most christian shirts aren't really cool. Some are more funny and more of a "hey that's catchy or cute or cool" but not really fashionable. C28 has some fun yet fashionable shirts and other things. So far I bought an over night bag that has doodle scriptures and a ring that had "diamonds" around half and proverbs 3:5 verse around the rest, but I lost it :( I still have hope of finding it, but I may just buy a new one.
This is one of my new favorite tshirts. Maybe i'll come up with a list of things I like from there in a later post.
Now to check out etsy, i'm kinda in search for a bow ring. I think I like them or the idea of it.
Night! -Jen

Sunday, July 10, 2011

2nd Vintage Purchase!

Back and here's what I bought. I went to a local antiques store and they were having a flea market outside. It was very cool, but I didn't really see anything and it was hot out so I went inside and checked out what i've been thinking about getting and checked in there previously 3 times to see if they still had it and they did. I took a lot of time thinking about the price and if I really wanted it. Well today it was 20% off, so I decided to get it. I love saving money. And I love vintage glass. Depression and milk glass are my favorites. I'm not entire sure what this is or what year it is, but I like and i've never seen anything like it, especially now a days. I can't wait to use it!

I think it's super pretty. I would like to know more about it. I think i'm going to do a little research on vintage glass. And think of what to use it for.
Night! -Jen

Just Lovely...

Hey! Hope you all are enjoying this lovely and hot (atleast here, 92, thank God for a/c at the home) Sunday. I'll be sharing more later tonight, but I wanted to share that I bought my second vintage purchase!!! My first was a 1970s (?.. or around there) suitcase. My second I bought today is a piece that i've been watching for quite awhile and thinking about... it was love at first sight. It's a glass bowl. I'll post a pic and more tonight, but now I have to get ready for a BBQ at the park!
Have a lovely Sunday evening!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Good Morning! I've signed up for bloglovin, so you can totally follow me there too! That's all for now!
Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Keep Quiet

Hi again. So i've been thinking lately about the things that are going on all around us. Recently in Grand Rapids, MI 7 were killed and the killer killed him self after it all. I don't know the whole story, I don't even know the background. I am praying for the families of the victims. It's so sad. It did get me thinking though, and not just about this case, everything, i'm thinking about their stories, their past, their present. If they knew about what I know and how it's radically changed my life, would their futures be different? Would their circumstances? Jesus has made a huge difference in my life. He's changed me for the best. If I didn't hear about Jesus, to be honest I probably would have depression, low self esteem, and be a self injurer. But thank God I was raised in a church and God was actived in every aspect of my life. Yeah there was low points. Growing up, mostly in late elementary school and middle school I remember not liking the way I looked at one point. I've had the thoughts that i'de rather die than deal with whatever was going on at the time. Once I truely got a hold of what God said through His word and and what it said about me, how I felt about myself became what God feels about me. And its amazing how He changed my life. Because of Him i'm beautiful, i'm brave, I have this amazing joy inside of me, I have love for others and things that I wouldn't if it didn't come from God. Who I am today is because of Him.
And knowing He did this for me, He can change others lives.

I feel like, for me (and other believers) we need to share our faith more. People need Jesus, they are ready to listen. All they need is someone to be bold enough to stand up and show them God, be like Jesus, love them. There's a song i've been listening to lately that I feel relates. It's called "Keep Quiet" by BarlowGirl.   

I can relate to this so much. I'm the quiet type, but I was really shy. I tend to hold things back, not share. And it's especially hard to talk to people I don't know, especially about my faith. But I need to more. I need to share what God has done and what He can do for them. There is so much hope in Jesus. More people need to know that. And i'm looking forward to sharing. I just feel like we need to share more. Speak up, don't keep quiet. You could be the difference in someone's life and future. God through you can change someones life. Don't be afraid, take courage. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.(Philippians 4:13). 

I'll probably be sharing more about this later. As for now, that's what's on my heart.
Thanks for reading. God Bless.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Good to Be Back!

I finally got the internet at the new place which means watching catching up on the latest Project Runway on Hulu, getting back into my amway business, and my photography, and keep up to date with the blog, along with searching for stuff on etsy and new crafts! So excited!
Well I will have a few craft diys coming up with in this month, one is the coasters I mentioned earlier and the other is candles! I bought a candle making kit at Hobby Lobby today and i'm super excited to try it. I've been wanting to get it for awhile because I plan on making candles as a I gift. I think i'm sensing a new addiction coming on! Well, gotta get some house work done, but i'll be back late tonight with a kinda different post than my usuall!
Later, -Jen

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

Hello everyone! I'm still working on getting the internet up and running, so i'm at the parents house using theirs! We're going to be going to see some fireworks tonight and a parade tonight. I like this Holiday because there's unity and fun. Everyone has cookouts, get togethers, games, and just enjoy being in this great country. Freedom isn't free, so thanks to the men and women who served and are serving in the armed forces for us. It's because of them we can celebrate!

Also, as you may know i'm a photographer and I entered a photo contest! It's through the local news here, but I you would like to help me, all you have to do is get on facebook, 'like' FOX 47 News, then 'Like' my picture which is in the album "Snap into Summer Week 4" i'm number 96 of 200 in the first album. I'll post the links below, but it would be a great help. Also if you want too I have a photography page on facebook too. I'll link it on the sidebar. Feel free to check out my photography!

Have a great 4th of July! And if you're not from the U.S. have a great day and enjoy your day of Independence as a country! I know Cananda's was July 1st, but i'm not sure of others, so have fun celebrating where you live, who you are, and be thankful for both everyday!

My photo contest Picture

Monday, June 27, 2011

Women Who Rock: Blanca. [Intro]

Taking a break from moving to give some advice on moving. It helps to be as organized as possible, plan it out and as you go, take breaks, and listening to music helps!
I'm getting internet at my new residence soon, so I will do a full update then, but now I just wanted to give you a little intro into a new feature called:

I'm still working on the pic. But this feature will be about women who I find to be strong, positive role models and are a great example. I'll feature musicians, actresses, professionals, and more, but I also would like to feature my reader too. So if you would like your story to be featured here, send me an email with your story on why you rock to

My first will be brief, so I would like to do a full post on her, but my first is Blanca from Group 1 Crew.
She is a singer with the group and has an incredible story.
And here is her story:

I'll be back with more on why she inspires me and more!

Just Stopping by to say

hello there! Just got back from an awesome weekend at a concert festival. I'll post a few pictures soon. I'm actually about ready to call it a day, but I did want to stop in for a bit since I haven't updated in awhile. This week is going to be quick busy. My lease is up on the 30th so I have to be out of this apt. by then. I moved a bunch today, but still have like 50% to go. Tommorow I hope to get a lot more moving done. Also tommorow I plan on doing a post called "Women Who Rock" which will be based on my weekend at the festival and maybe later in the week i'll share my story with you so definitely check back later. And you know what isn't fun (among other things) about moving? I want to craft soooo bad. I really want to make the tile coasters and do a little scrapbooking but it's all packed in boxes. Isn't it kinda weird when you have the stuff availiable to you, you don't really have the desire to do it, but when it's gone you want to. Oh well, scrapbooking will have to wait till I unpack!
Have a good night! -Jen

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Couponing? ...

Ever heard of the show Extreme Couponing on TLC? Well I don't have cable so i've just recently caught a few episodes at my parents house and wow, it's crazy how much people save. I love how a lot of them give it away, but a part of me is concerned for the people who just want to have stock piles of groceries and that makes them feel good. Well, anyways, I think I want to try it. Maybe not the extreme, but I would like to save on my groceries a little more and I love love love free! So here it goes. I bought a paper with ads and coupons and i'm going to start cutting and planning!

Also I hope your having a Happy Fathers Day!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Going on a Puppy Search!

Hey there! Guess what?!?! I'm moving into a house! I am in apartment, but soon i'll rent a house which i'm super excited. And I can finally have a dog!!! So I'm looking into puppies. Here's the top 5 list of dogs breeds I like:
1. French Bulldog

2.) Yorkshire Terrior

3.) Maltese

4.) Pugs
5.) Mix Breeds.


The last picture is of my dog Mikey. He passed away last year. He was the best dog. He was a beagle, cocker spaniel, daschund mix. We got him at the local shelter and he was the perfect dog for my family. I will tell the story of him another time. But for now there is my current top 5 list. I actually like all dogs and I know the next dog i'll get soon will be a rescued dog from a shelter. I'm checking lots lately looking for thee right dog! I'll share progress too.
Thanks for reading!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Source 1 and 2
I want one...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Music Monday: Adele

Hi! I was actually thinking of doing a Summer playlist, but in the process of picking songs I came across of Adele and her new song. I do like Adele's style, her voice. I love the deep soul of it. Here's my favorites of hers:

Chasing Pavements was the first song i heard of hers and I instantly liked it.

I heard this song on the radio a few days ago and I love it. And it's true, you reap what you sow. There is some songs I like the actual song, but not lyrics to an extent. But she sounds like the great artists of the past.
Here's a little Q&A with her:

I think i'm going to listen to more Adele. :)
Later -Jen

I Love DIYs!

Good Morning! A DIY post will be coming soon, as soon as I gather stuff and make it. And I can't wait! I was at Menards yesterday getting primer for the one painted wall in the apartment and I came across tiles. Im not sure why I went over there, but I started to look and I love sales. I do want to decorate a bird bath with a mosaic so I guess I was getting ideas.. til I found plain white wall tiles at only 13 cents!!! I bought 4 (so far) and im going to try the coaster thing. I checked out a few diys online and it seems simple I just need some polyurethane and mod podge and some ideas on what to do. I was thinking of hand painting them or using paper or a picture. I think either will be awesome. So look for that within this weekend. Later today I will do a music post and probably tonight i'll do a little more blog designing and maybe another post.
See ya then!


Hello! The blog update is almost done, just added a few minor details. I'm so excited, I found a photo editing program that I love and can't wait to use with my pictures. Its through Picasa called Picnik. Picasa is a nice, simple program, perfect for beginners and those who can't yet buy photoshop! I'm always a big fan of free and picasa is free. I have used a Corell photo program and I did like that and will get it some day. And I've tried Gimp which I think is similar to Photoshop, but i'll stick to picasa for now. Anyways, all this to say I am officially going to be a photographer. It's my dream career! I'm  more into landscape photography, so I would be amazing just to travel around the world and get paid for just doing what I love, taking pictures! How cool would that be. I am working on a site (blog) for my photography business so I will link that here shortly, but if your interested to see what I do, all the logos, pictures, and the header(of mine) are my photography. I do have a  facebook page, you can check more over there!
Here's some of my work too:

Well I must be going now. I'll post more about my photography and the business another day!
Good Night. -Jen

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Good Sunday Morning!
I do have more to share a little later, but I just wanted to post a quick simple note taken from one of the songs i'm obsessed with "Take Heart" -Hillsong United, Aftermath.

"All our troubles, tears, failure, fear, heartache, pain, burdens, and shame- God our hope, love, healer, freedom, justice, grace, refuge, and strength, He is with us and He has overcome!"

Whatever your going through, I just want to let you know God has overcome it through His Son Jesus Christ. God is there for you. He will help you. There is always hope. He is everything you need to overcome too.
I would also like you to know, I'm not only here for crafting, finances, my favorite music, and whatnot; but i'm also here for you. So if there's anything you need prayer for or just to talk, please feel free to comment or leave me an email message:
Thats all for now.
I will be back later!


Long Long Blog Makeover and Movie

Hi again! The Blog update probably won't be done tonight. I'm getting quite tired and I have to (I mean I choose too) be up early for church in the morning! I'm still in the designing phase and am working on making it represent me and coordinate, so it may be officially done by the end of the week. I'll keep you posted :)
Also as you may know (or may not) I love Lucy, the actress and show. And I just got done watching Lucy and Desi's movie "Long, Long Trailer" and it is such a good movie! I love 1950's movies.

 It would be kinda fun to just travel the country in a trailer, but that is a long trailer. I think i'de rather travel by car or plane and stay at a hotel.


I love old movies. I think I need to rent Breakfast at Tiffany's again to entertain my while I pack.
Oh yeah, i'm moving at the end of the month. I currently rent an apartment, nice area, but i'm tired of living in an apartment. So God provided a house for rent! I'm so excited to actually have a little yard and experience a house before I end up buying one in the near future. And rent for the house is cheaper than the apartment! I'm stoked! I just need the motivation to pack. It's definitely not my favorite. Well i'm going to finish rewatching the Long, Long Trailor then call it a night.
Nite! -Jen

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Getting There.

The Blog design is coming along. I have to add a few more things, but it should be done later tonight! I have so much to do today such as the blog, my business, and packing.. oh and my job. Which I have to go now. Later!"

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Can't Stop...

Listening to Hillsong Uniteds newest cd: Aftermath. I don't own it yet, just been previewing it on youtube constantly. I soon will get it though. Love all these songs so far, I cant get over them. So I thought I would share my obsession, enjoy!

Night! -Jen

Friday, June 3, 2011

Financial Friday: Give

Hey guys! I think finances are so important, and I wish they were thought more in schools. Money management is such a needed skill that not many people know. So I just want to give some practical financial advice about once a week on friday! Here's my advice: Be a giver! A lot of people who are very successful practices this principle. The Bible says give and it will be given back. Luke 6:38 says "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” God isn't a respector of persons. If you apply His principles, you can get the results, Christians or non Christians. I do know God does favor people differently, but He honors His word reguardless. So that's my advice, be a giver. You can't out give God. Give to His work through your church, give to your community, give to those in need. Generosity will get you farther financially than not giving. So give!
Have a good night and think of ways to give this next week!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sew Good Morning

Good Morning!
Work is delayed a little today so I have more time in the morning just to hang out... and watch Project Runway. I love internet tv! But when I watch it I don't want to just watch tv, I have to do something like sew (especially while watching Project Runway), or craft, or plan, something. So last night while watching I finished an apron. I'm kind of on a apron making kick.

This is the second. I was going to add ruffle edge, but it didn't work well. So it's a simple apron.
This is my first apron. I love it! It has such a retro vibe.

Well I have to get ready for work now, just wanted to give you peak of my sewing projects!

Have a good day!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I'm Back!

Hey there! Just wanted to post a quick message, i'm back. I have a new laptop now and I love it. I know i'm kinda a nerd but outside of the webcam (I love cameras) one of my favorite feature is the key specifically for the calculator. Well anyways while I was away I have been dreaming up some new post. And I did change the design of the blog a bit. I am still playing around with a design but I need to install my photo program first. I hope everyone is having a great Memorial weekend. It's definitely a time to remember, but to also spend time with the ones you love. Don't take them for granted, even if you see them everyday. Treasure the moments you have with them. Tommorow i'm hanging with the family and having a cook out. I am looking forward to it.. but not so much the weather, it's going to be 90 tommorow here in Michigan. I'm praying for no humidity, but I have my shorts ready just in case (just a side note, I don't wear shorts too often, I only have the bermuda style and I like them, but I don't really like shorts). Well that's all for me for now. It is definitely good to be back!

Monday, April 25, 2011

My Story - A New Feature

Hello! Hope everyone had a happy Easter! Mine was very good. I went to both my parents church and my church then hung out with family most the day, then went to my church's easter production called 'Your Story'. It was really cool this year. It involved people's stories now and people's stories then in Bible times. As I watched and heard the stories of others, I realized I do have a story to tell, God wants to use my story. So I want to introduce a new feature on here called My Story. It will involve different stories of my life, to give you a more personal glimpse into my life!
I'll share my first story soon!
Have a great day!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Blog Vacation.

Hey guys and gals. Probably mostly gals, but I have noo idea. Well, anywhoo. So it's officially, the laptop (lappy) is dead and not fixable. The hard drive can be transfered, which is excellent news! So i went to look at laptops today at Best Buy. My lappy was a dell, but I know this time I either wanted an hp or a mac. Well I decided in 20 short mins that i'm totally going to get a macbook pro! I'm so stoked and want one sooo bad now.  Which I could: a.) tax money, b.) save lots, or c.) get financing. I'm leaning towards c.). I'm against having debt, but i'm currently looking into buying a house, and I have really good credit, but not enough, so the financing might help it. I'm still thinking about it, but I would like to get one soon.
So with no laptop, that means: Very very little blog postings. I do have the internet via the cell phone, but I can't get blogger on there (it's not a smart phone, a decent phone, but not "smart"). So, for now, i'm on a blog vacation. But in the meantime i'll plan some stuff for the blog, so that when I do get my amazing macbook pro i'll be back into blogging lots!
Talk to you again later!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Poor Laptop... :(

Hey! So bad news, my laptop is down for awhile. It's a little old, and doesn't charge as well. Well, the battery is dead and won't charge, so i'm not able to post as much. I ordered a new ac adapter, which I think it causing the problem, so i should be up and running in 3 to 5 business days hopefully! I do have the internet on my phone so i can try to update using my phone, but maybe i'll just take a break for a bit.
just thought I would fill you in. maybe i'll take this time to plan out the blog a bit.
Well, have a lovely saturday night and sunday!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Belated Music Monday

Hey! So I was planning on posting music monday, on tuesday, but got a little busy on tuesday, so i'll post alittle now, very little though. So this week on my favorite radio station Air 1 they are featuring the band The City Harmonic. I've only listened to one song fully called Manifesto and I love it!

This song is a very good explaination of Christianity I think. If you want to know more about the song, go to and on their main page is a pic of The City Harmonic with a link that says Play. It will open up a music player with their entire cd and song explainations. Very cool.
Well I have to get going now, but i'll try to post more tonight!

Friday, March 25, 2011


I've been going through some of my old post on another blog, and I really miss writing, so i'm going to do more on here! Lately i've been thinking of the beauty of God. I'm just so totally overwhelmed with how truely awesome He is. He is so beautiful. His charactor and who He is, it just captivates me. I've been dwelling on Him so much yesterday and today (and need to more and more). I can't even begin to wrap my mind around Him. I think when I meet Him face to face, i'm going to awestruck of everything. Reading about Him in the Bible just blows my mind- He is the lover of our souls. He loves us oh so much, more than I think we will ever really know until the day comes when we get to be with our Creator God forever an ever. He's constantly on the chase after His bride. And He is always thinking of us, from the beginning of time He had us in mind. His perfect plan was for us, about us. The precision of how everything was made, the thought behind it. It's all for us. He is beautiful because He loves us. He gave us Jesus to take our place, to take on our sickness and diseases, take on our sin, broke the curse and died on the cross... for us. Nothing to me is more beautiful than the sacrifice, but He is also alive in heaven preparing a place for us. The love never ends. You know what else I was thinking of, our beautiful Lord made us in His image. We are beautiful because of Jesus. God looks at us and thinks the world of us! He thinks we're beatiful. I love nature and the creation. I see a a sunrise and a sunset and think beautiful. I see the the moon and intricate design of the night sky and think beautiful. I see all the things this world has and God made it beautiful, but to God, we are more. He made the sunset, He painted the sky, and places each star in the heavens, but He didn't send His sun to die for them, He didn't save the world, He saved the people in it. He values us and loves us and calls us precious and dearly loved, and sees us as beautiful. Compared to all the beauty of this world- He finds us more beautiful.... I'm blown away...... I think from now on i'm going to try to see things through God's eyes, see things as beautiful. One of my desires is to see value in things, more specifically in people. See them as God sees them, see their positive things instead of flaws, see them as valuable, highly valuable and loved by God. That's my goal this rest of the week. And you are highly loved and valuable, more beautiful than the sunset, to God! He loves you immensely and want to be with you. He thinks you are beautiful.
God is love, -Jen

God thinks you are more beautiful than this!


Well, I realize, I don't write enough. I was reviewing my myspace recently and I used to write on there a ton. I really need to step it up on this blog I feel. I do miss writing. I'm not going to promise you i'm going to write more, or add a new feature or whatnot, I really can't because I don't want to let you down when I don't. So my plan is to take it day by day. Today I actually would like to share what I recently wrote. I will actually post it as a new post. I just wanted to share what i've decided. I still want to do the fun features like Music Mondays and Financial Fridays and whatever else I come up with, it just may not be consistantly every week. That's all!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Hey! Sorry for the almost week long no posting. It's been kind of a not the best week. Except on monday, I got my DBA and openned a business bank account!!! So now I will be selling on etsy shortly. I'm kind of excited about that!
I made a goal list of things I want to do before i'm 30, and one of them is to write a book. I've been thinking about it lately and instead of writing a physical book, I think I will convert it into a blog. I think though i'll just write it on here as a feature, verses a whole other blog, but we'll see!
Also I can imagine most everyone heard about what happened in Japan and the pacific coast line. It's quite tragic and really puts life into perspective. Definetly praying for those involved and will continue while things get recovered and restored.
Other than that I don't really have too much to post this morning. I'll update and link on the business progress as soon as possible and get back into the swing of things this upcoming week!
Happy Saturday!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Music Monday: Her Morning Elegance

Today's music featured isn't an artist/band like I normally do, but a song rather and the amazing video.
I first saw this video on the blog A Beautiful Mess and I thought it was one of the bet videos i've seen. Then learning how it was made made it way more better. So here's the brilliant video:

How they made this is super inspiring. I am getting into photography and I think it would be so cool to do a session like this, photo by photo. Here's the making video:

This is totally incredible. The website is cool too. I do like a few of Oren Lavie's other songs, but this video in my opinion, is so far one of the best!

Oh and good news, my mattress set came today! I've been wanting to go to bed since it came, well it is late and i'm tired so to bed it is.
Good night!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Financially Brilliant Friday

Since I do enjoy finances and learning more about it, I thought it would be good to do a financial feature. I am not a financial expert or anything, but I know a little bit, and wouldn't mind sharing what I learned!
So this is just a brief intro to the feature. I think currently the most important advice I can give and is good for any age is start saving early. The earlier the better. I had a job since I was 16 and I didn't save anything from it. I definitely learned from it, but also regret it too. But it's ok. Saving can start anytime really. The rule is you should have 3-6 months living expenses saved up and don't touch it. This would be your emergency fund. It's also good to start saving for retirement too. And also for major life purchases like a house. I am looking to a house currently. My goal is June. Which means I have to save over $4,000+++ for closing cost/ down payment. Not a lot of time, but i'm believing I can do it. So start saving early!
That's my financial 2 cents!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Headboard Ideas

Good Evening!
So I just got a new mattress. I splurged on a queen size. Im so excited to have the whole bed to myself (a benefit to being single). Well i'm not getting a bed frame with headboard/footboard yet. So my plan was to make my own headboard. Now i'm just thinking of ideas, checking out pictures online. Here's some I found that I kind of like:

I like the idea of a chalk board. I love chalk board paint . I would probably just get a sheet of plywood or something of that nature and maybe just keep it rectangular. It would be cool to decorate it via chalk drawings, even take notes. I always write before I fall asleep, so it would be cool to have

I do like the idea of  a shelf. I'm big into storage and bookshelves. And putting the bed against one might be cool. Extra storage space plus a place to put a notebook or book.

I'm addicted to fabric. There are so many great colors and prints. I could just hang up fabric on the back. And it's cool before it can be any cut to any size and really any print or color you want. I think I need to pick out bedding before this, but then again, fabric is pretty inexpensive. 2 yards would be more than enough length wise, it's just figuring out the width. So less than $10-15 with sales or coupon!


I like the idea, but i'm not sure if I would hang stuff from it like that. I like the simplistic and wood look of it.

This picture isn't really about the headboard, but I love the fabric on the wall. I currently live in an apartment and we can paint anywhere we want. But I don't want to take the time and paint and then paint over it with primer. But this is a fun idea to add color to the wall without doing anything major.
Well, that's all I found for now. A lot of ideas! Now to choose to!
Have a creative night,

Monday, February 21, 2011

Music Monday: Misty Edwards

Hey guys! So this week'ss music monday is featuring an amazing artist who leads worship at IHOP-KC.
Misty Edwards. To be honest, I didn't really like listening to IHOP music, mostly because it was repetative. But after reading psalm 13, I searched on youtube for worship songs and I came across her. Oh my goodness, now I can't stop listening.
The first song I heard from Always on My Mind

 All of her songs are written so beautifully, and powerful. I can't stop listening and it gets stuck in my head, which is actually a good thing. I haven't felt more connected to God. I love it.

This song is a amazing as well. I definitely recommend, if you haven't, to check her and IHOP-KC out!
Well, that's all I have to share today. I think i'm going to listen to Misty Edwards before bed tonight.
Good Night!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Psalm 13

Have you ever just had a day where it's a mix of good and bad, but the bad is more magnified than the good at times. Today was kind of one of those days for me. I've been having this struggle (nothing bad, just alittle tight financially at times, especially right now) lately and I can't seem to get ahead. There is set back after set back. I know greater things are supose to be, but they aren't here. I'm believing in God's promises and holding on so tightly to the hope that things will be fulfilled. I'm just getting tired of the same old stuff. I have these huge dreams that I can't get to until I get out of this. I am, however, so thankful for what I do have. I have a home, food, everything that I need, i'm debt free (!!!) and I am too blessed to be stressed about this. but I am... I'm not trying to complain or anything, i'm just sharing alittle glimpse of my day(s). So I had a totally break down today before work. During work was ok, actually pretty good. I got over what I tend to magnify. Then after work, back to this. Nothing is helping.. turned on some music, RED (very good band, and kind fit the mood), and started to look up something in the Bible to find a verse that would help.

I found Psalm 13. King David is one of my favorite writers, he openly expressed what he was feeling, but the fact of God's unfailing love strengthened him.

Psalm 13
For the director of music. A psalm of David.

1 How long, LORD? Will you forget me forever?
How long will you hide your face from me?
2 How long must I wrestle with my thoughts
and day after day have sorrow in my heart?
How long will my enemy triumph over me?

3 Look on me and answer, LORD my God.
Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death,
4 and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,”
and my foes will rejoice when I fall.

5 But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.
6 I will sing the LORD’s praise,
for he has been good to me.

I totally feel this verse. I ask these questions, why am I still waiting? How long before my breakthrough? When will I not down? When will I get ahead? etc.
But the best part is the end: But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the LORD's praise, for he has been good to me! Truth wins! Facts over feelings always. The fact is no matter how I feel, no matter the situation God is here, God is good, His love endures forever! He will never leave you nor forsake you, He has amazing good things planned for you. So instead of dwelling on the problem, start praising the Solution: God.
I think I need to do this now..

Thanks for listening,

p.s. If you're going through a struggle and want prayer or anything, feel free to email me or comment. I'll be happy to pray for you. Some times when you're struggling it helps to know others are going through something similar. The Bible says in Ecclesiates 4:12- Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Together we can beat this, with people praying together solutions will come!